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akbar Token???Fake?

Started by biplab.chorizon, November 08, 2013, 07:35:31 AM

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Plz. Attribute?


Now I prefer not to reply on any of your post as you have taken this site mere as an identification tool and never reply back.


Sorry Tariq I am greatful to u for your identification of my coins. Actually by profession I am a Comp. Engineer and I post my coins during my working hours when I get a little bit of time. I never comments on any coin because I am just learning now. Alll of my post r just to gather Knowledge from expert like u. and to compare my idea with  actual. thanx. Tariq once again for ur great co-operation.


Learning is a good thing and you are welcome to learn here. However, in order to learn, it is necessary to listen and respond. It is part of the learning process. Our experts have already given you some important tips: make your pictures sharp, beware of shroff marks, give weight and metal (diameter would be nice also), buy coins with full dates and as much of the name visible as possible. It is important to follow those hints. I would like to add one. Say "thank you" whenever appropriate. Our experts are volunteers, providing a service for the love of coins and never asking pay. It's fine to use their service, but do show some respect for the trouble they are taking.

I suggest that you buy electronic mini-scales as soon as you can. They are not expensive. I also suggest that you post less coins and use the time gained to learn as indicated above. There is enough time in your future and it is important to understand that the objective is not to have your coins identified by someone else, but to make it possible for you to identify your coins and, who knows, become an expert yourself. I am sure you know the expression "give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach a man to catch fish and he has food all his life.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.