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Some fantasy Netherlands East Indies tokens

Started by kriyasa, January 23, 2011, 04:55:08 PM

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how about this? ;D




please also check these:


The above plantation token should be original since the year is included in the year that you explained, and there"s no reason to make a copy of the above tokens.


Ok, yes I know it's original plantation token. If anyone interested could contact me through my email, and can pay by paypal. the price is only usd30.  ;) very-very cheap compare to others.




Quote from: kriyasa on January 23, 2011, 04:55:08 PM

how about this? ;D

They are not in the plantation token book of Lansen. The tokens of Amsterdam-Borneo tabak maatschappij look different and there are no tokens of 2 1/2 cents knows. The material of youre tokens is strange (tin/lead?) and also is the shape of it. It more look like templates instead of real coins. Because of all these facts de items are no plantation tokens, and you also can.t call them modern forgeries because these don't look like the real tokens. Just modern fantasy tokens. Where is the factory or did you make tem youself?  ;) This kind of tokens you can sell for € 5,- maybe € 10,- if you can find someone that collect these kind of things. 

Is the backside blank?

greetings Berani


Quote from: kriyasa on January 23, 2011, 05:29:45 PM

and This?

Hi kriyasa, qou wrote:

"...Ok, yes I know it's original plantation token. If anyone interested could contact me through my email, and can pay by paypal. the price is only usd30.  Wink very-very cheap compare to others.



Who did told you these tokens are real? They are not know as plantation tokens. I think they are just modern fantasy tokens, and with a bad quality. Sorry I can't make more out of it. So the price € 30,- is to high. Just € 5,- or € 10,- if you can find someone that collect they type of fantasy coins...

greetings Berani


I fully agree with Berani, this has nothing to do with genuine plantation tokens. Just modern fantasy fabrication. You may also call it rubbish.


Quote from: kriyasa on January 23, 2011, 05:49:11 PM
please also check these:

Hi Kriyasa,

You wrote: "...The above plantation token should be original since the year is included in the year that you explained, and there"s no reason to make a copy of the above tokens..."

For sure they are no forgeries of the real coins. Just fantasy tokens as well. I'm sorry.
The real tokens of Bindjey look very different, see also:;topicseen#new

greetings Berani


So, as long as it is not on Berani's website and in Lansen book, then the plantation coins will be a fantasy coin or rubbish  ::)

I will surely will not collect this type of coin ;)



Quote from: kriyasa on February 12, 2011, 01:41:27 AM
So, as long as it is not on Berani's website and in Lansen book, then the plantation coins will be a fantasy coin or rubbish  ::)

I will surely will not collect this type of coin ;)


Of course not..., they still find sometimes tokens that are not in the book allready, but not so often...
But you can see most of the times from the quality of the tokens or they are real or not.
And its also strange when you find a new type that you find 6 of the same type at one's.

You can compare it for example with a Lacoste shirt, the differences between right and false one's are very clear. And it is not only my opinion, Oesho said it as well. And you can ask Lansen himself if you like...

But its a good idea, I will put them on my site as false/fantasy tokens if that is the standard to you.
The token from Dili was real! That's a nice one!

And indeed when you are disappointed quite soon this is a difficult area of coin, and it might be better to start collecting euro proof coin, you don't have mutch false tokens there.
Just to give you a impression: from the first 10 plantation tokens It did buy, 7 out of these were false. That was really a pity. I culd have stopped then but I didn't... now a couple of years letter I hardly never buy false tokens anymore so you can learn it. The real one's are a bit expensive, you hardly can find any real tokens below the price of 20-30 euro or you have to be very lucky.

greetings Berani