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Afghan Civic Copper

Started by Rangnath, October 05, 2007, 11:56:18 PM

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Weight: 6.7 grams
Size:  18 to 20 mm across

I was given this without a clue. It has the look and feel of age to it though.  If I see an Arabic date, it could be AH 1007 or about 1599 AD. The design on one side appears to me to resemble a large flower.  What do you think?

BC Numismatics

Richie,it is very hard to tell,even though the flower is a nice design.Perhaps an email to Oesho could be in order.He may be able to try & identify this.You could also try & see what the Indian members of Coin Talk think of it.



This is an anonymous falus of Afghanistan. I haven?t been able to read anything of the mint. The flower design is quite common on some of those civil issues. Kabul might be a serious candidate as mint town, but due to double striking is almost impossible to read a sensible text on it. However the date is not AH1007. The seven is the last digit of a date AH(12x)7.