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Burkina Faso "coin"

Started by africancoins, December 07, 2010, 12:01:54 AM

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Some years ago I added a bi-metallic "coin" to my Burkina Faso coins page.

Looking into this one again...

I notice the "IF" below the bird must be for "Ivan Florine" - Belgian coin dealer... Previously I had not quite managed to realise this (had not given it much thought) - but I have known for some time of his involvement with these. Does anyone know - did he do the art work - or just the idea/funding ?

I remember that this coin type (and others from the series) were added to the SCWC listings some time ago. I seem to re-call the first SCWC edition that listed them having a large advert for "Africa Mint". This piece was given the number Burkina Faso KM-1 (see such as SCWC of 2006). I now notice that it is listed just in Unusual World Coins (UWC) and is designated as Burkina Faso X-1.

Neither "FRANC" nor an abbreviation for "FRANC" appear on the coin - so I am not sure why the UWC listing includes "FRANC" in the denomination name for this and the similar types that have the names of several other west African countries on them. I would imagine that there is no mention of "FRANC" on the coins because that word would suggest a legal tender status which is not something that an "X" number in UWC strongly suggests was not granted.

I never did consider a "Monetary Issue of Institute for Development of West Africa" to be a central bank or issuer of money. For this particular part of the world that duty belongs to "BANQUE CENTRALE DES ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST".

Thanks Mr Paul Baker