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1893 threepence variations

Started by UK Decimal +, July 13, 2010, 06:00:59 PM

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UK Decimal +

The 1893 threepence is listed as having three variations.

The first (left) is, as might be expected, like the 1892 issue with the 'Jubilee head'.   The third (right) has the 'veiled head' and like the 1894 issue has a slightly different '3'.   Shown centre is a third version, a 'mule' having 'Jubilee head' and the later form of '3'.   This is my interpretation of them.

In SCWC, the centre and left ones are described as 'open 3' and 'closed 3' under KM#758 (in that order, which does not seem entirely logical) and the right one is KM#777 as it has the later obverse.

Now, my scans do not show the different '3' very clearly and even using an engineering glass the difference in the gap between the bottom of the diagonal and the ball of the '3' is almost unnoticeable, probably less than 0.25mm.   I can only add that pre-1893 coins appear to have a smaller gap than post-1893 ones.

I suppose that my real question is whether I am looking for the different '3' in the correct area of that figure.   I should be very glad if someone would advise me further on this.   I have no idea what form the 1893 Maundy version has, although as it is shown as KM#777 I assume that it is like the one in the right of my scans.

Ilford, Essex, near London, England.

People look for problems and complain.   Engineers find solutions but people still complain.


I must say that I find the differences, if any, are pretty slight.  Bearing in mind that date punches are added separately, are the differences significant?  It is even harder to be certain with coins in less that EF condition.


Excellent pictures, Bill. This is the first time I see the differences well explained and clearly visible. Before, I didn't even know if KM was talking about the denomination or the date. I put these differences in the same order of importance as the I or 1 in some dates: something I find interesting, but not something I'd consider a different type.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


I've recently had a similar conversation with regard to the gothic florin, Krause lists 3 varieties, when in fact there are 7.....

Watch this space!
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Aaah! I now realise which 3 you are referring to.....