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coin from malasya ?

Started by lusomosa, August 10, 2007, 09:33:19 PM

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can some one help me on this one
It is very thik ( 4 mm ) and about 2 cm wide.



This is the other side...



Well, I guess it's Dutch.  But Dutch what?  We ran into Kepings before. I'm sure Peter can shed light on this one.  Needless to say, it is a marvelous coin!


I am not an expert on this kind of coins, but I should think it is a British-India coin , issued by the Bombay Presidency in 1813.
I am not certain if it is a 1/2 pice (5,31 gram), a 1 pice (10,62 gram) or a 2 pice (21,25 gram) coin. The experts will tell you (if I'm right, of course).


BC Numismatics

It is definitely from the Bombay Presidency.It could be a 1/2 Pice,a 1 Pice,a 2 Pice,a 1/2 Anna,or a 4 Pice.



Wau to go Bart!
I have a hammered coin of unknown origin that is 20 mm across and about 4 mm thick. It weighs 12.7 grams.  If this coin is similar in size and wieght, that would make this coin a one Pice.  What are the weights and dimenstions of the 1/2 anna and 4 pice piece Aidan?

BC Numismatics

The 1/2 Anna coin comes in 2 types - 23-24 mm. & 15.6 gm. & 22.5 mm. & 13.6 gm.The 4 Pice coin is 42.51 gm.

These are average weights,because they are hammered coins.



Thanks Aidan. That is terrific.  So Lusamosa, any chance that you can weigh your coin?  I know from experience that Aidan is right;  hammered coin weights varry. But if your coin is much closer to 10 grams than to 13.6, I think that would indicate its denomination.


Lusomosa gives a diameter of 2 cm. That makes it a 2 pice (1/2 anna) 1813, KM 207. The smaller piece Aidan mentions was not struck with date 1813. Two pice equals a half anna. Good job, Bart & Aidan. 8)

The obv shows the EIC balemark, heart shaped with a 4 shaped element on top. In the "quarters" of the heart V(nited) E(ast) I(ndia) C(ompany), below the date 1813
The rev has scales and the word adil (just, but also a proper name) below

The balemark is what we'd call a company logo today. The 4 like element is reminiscent of the marks on English leaden wool marks. Below is a picture of a woolmark of James Pulling of Tiverton with his logo. The heart shape was popular for merchants. There are even heart-shaped 17th century merchant tokens. In other words, while the EIC balemark may be the most familiar, there are many contemporary marks similar to it (but not the same). The Dutch East India company's bale mark was a large V with a small O on the left leg and a small C on the right leg, for V(erenigde) O(ostindische C(ompagnie). There was also an Austrian East India Company, but I don't know what its logo was...

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.

BC Numismatics

Peter,where did you manage to find that piece from 17th. Century Tiverton?

Here's an article about Tiverton; .



It was found by our member Willy68, who is a detectorist. Apart from coins, detecoterists find loads of other stuff, from beer can pull rings to this breathtaking beauty. This is excellent, because coins are not isolated elements in the world. They are influenced by and incluence other things. Thanks to a detectorist, I found that the city of Utrecht once used an old die for a duit on a dog tag (for dogs, not for soldiers) at the time the Netherlands was on the decimal system and duit pieces were no longer used.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Many thanks for all your kind comments,
This coin weights 10,46 g, so if go with Bart's post this should be a 1 piee coin from Bombay.
many thanks once again.


BC Numismatics

Lusomosa,yes,it is definitely a Bombay Presidency 1 Pice coin.I have got one myself.Who knows,an unlisted date could be out there waiting to be discovered ready for being catalogued.



The coin is already listed in Krause as Bombay Presidency KM#198 1 pice 1813.(At least in the 3rd edition I am using)



Thanks for everything,
This one is identified !!!!! :)