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Need help identifying Islamic Silver Coin #94

Started by kimo, January 13, 2025, 07:09:30 AM

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I purchased this ancient coin from ebay as Islamic Silver Coin
and I need your help identifying it from what era and year and what is written on it
any information will be helpful
weight 1.5 g
Diameter 10-12 mm



Dear kimo, your coin details:
Mamluks, Bahri dynasty, al-Nasir Nasir al-Din Muhammad, 2nd Reign, Date?, AE Fals, mint? (AH 698–708/1299–1309 AD)
Obverse (Left photo):
قلاون  , Qalawun
السطان الملك  , al-Sultan al-Malik
الناصر ناصر الدنيا و  , al-Nasir Nasir al-Dunya wa
الدين محمد بن الملك  , al-Din Muhammad bin al-Malik
المنصور  , al-Mansur
Reverse (Right photo):
 .........ضرب ب  , duriba bi-......
لا اله الا الله  , La Ilah Illa Allah
محمد رسول الله  , Muhammad Rasul Allah
ارسله بالهدى  , arsalahu bi'l-huda
ودين الحق  , wa din al-haqq
" محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ", Muhammad Rasul Allah arsalahu bi'l-huda wa din al-haqq, meaning, "Muhammad is the messenger of God who sent him with guidance and the religion of truth" (The Quran Sura 9 (al-Tawba), part of verse 33)
al-Malik al-Nasir Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Qalawun ( الملك الناصر ناصر الدين محمد بن قلاوون), commonly known as an-Nasir Muhammad ( الناصر محمد), or by his kunya: abu al-Ma'ali (أبو المعالي) or as Ibn Qalawun; he was the ninth Mamluk Sultan of the Bahri dynasty who ruled Egypt between 1293–1294, 1299–1309, and 1310 until his death in 1341.

Coin collecting has a curious name. It is also called the "Hobby of Kings".
