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Helps to identified Burji Mamluk, Barquq (1st reign) Dinar

Started by owenyang1234, January 09, 2025, 02:10:55 AM

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Hi fellows I got a dinar of Burji Mamluk, hope someone can help me identified the legend

Information:5.76g/ 23.4 x 19.6 mm/ AH 788


Dear owenyang1234, lovely gold coin; your coin details:
Mamluks, Burji dynasty, al-Zahir Sayf al-Din Barquq, 1st reign, AH 788, AV Dinar, Alexandria (Egypt) mint (AH 784–791/1382–1389 AD)
Obverse (First photo):
لا اله الا الله , La Ilah Illa Allah
محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى  , Muhammad Rasul Allah, arsalahu bi'l-huda (Muhammad is the messenger of God who sent him with guidance)
ودين الحق ليظهره  , wa din al-haqq li-yuzhirahu (and the religion of truth that he might make it supreme)
على الدين كله  , 'ala al-din kullihi (over all other religions)
(The Quran Sura 9 (al-Tawba), part of verse 33)
Reverse (Second photo):
ضرب سكندرية سنة ثمان  , darb Sikandaria (Alexandria) sanah thaman
السلطان الملك الظاهر  , al-Sultan al-Malik al-Zahir
سيف الدنيا والدين بو سعيد برقوق  , Sayf al-Dunya wa al-Din bu Sa'id Barquq
خلد الله سلطانه  , kallada Allah Sultanahu (may God May perpetuate his authority)
وثمانين سبعمايه  , wa thamanin saba' mi'a (788) (date)
al-Malik al-Zahir Sayf al-Din Barquq ( الملك الظاهر سيف الدين برقوق) was the first Sultan of the Circassian Mamluk Burji dynasty of Egypt ruling from 1382 to 1389 and 1390 to 1399. Born to a Christian father in Circassia, Barquq was enslaved and later arrived in Egypt.
Please note that the mint Sikandaria (Alexandria) was determined from the attached mark in the center of second photo above the letter " S س " of the word " Sultanahu سلطانه ".

Coin collecting has a curious name. It is also called the "Hobby of Kings".