Counterfeiting ring 2 euros 'Caricature fakes'

Started by eurocoin, December 26, 2024, 11:28:57 AM

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This topic gives an overview of the pieces made by a specific counterfeiting ring that is believed to be, or have been, active in Portugal. The counterfeit coins made by this counterfeiting ring are rather crude and the portraits on the fakes almost look like caricatures. So far there is known that they faked 3 different coins: the 2 euro coin of Belgium dated 2010, the 2 euro coin of Spain dated 2010 and the 2 euro coin of Spain dated 2014 'Coronation'. The pieces are so far only known to have been found in circulation in central Portugal.


86429658_2884638448223479_2343851781861146624_n.jpgFake 2 euro Belgium 2010.jpg

Reported: 17 February 2020
Place: Ferreira do Zêzere, Portugal
Original photos: reverse, obverse
Source: Flavio Rosa, Facebook

Reported: 5 August 2020
Place: Marinha Grande, Portugal
Original photo: obverse
Source: David Jesus, numismática dos pequenos Colecionadores, Facebook

The first known find of this type appears to have been made on 1 October 2019. It was reported by a cafe in Tomar, close to Ferreira do Zêzere where one of the other pieces was later found. A photo of its reverse can be seen here. Although no photo of the obverse is available, the type appears to be the same due to the small core, thick ring and crude reverse design. On 3 October 2019, a postman in Tomar also reported the find of a fake 2 euro coin, though no photo is available of that piece.


Fake 2 euro Spain 2010.jpg

Reported: 8 September 2022
Place: Cascais, Portugal
Original photo: obverse
Source: Pedro Manuel Figueira, Moedas Comemorativas 2€ Venda/Leilões, Facebook

Reported: 15 December 2022
Place: Castro Verde, Portugal
Original photo: obverse
Source: Rui Paulino, Colecionadores de Moedas Normais e Comemorativas de 2 euros, Facebook


Reported: 29 August 2019
Place: Cartaxo, Portugal
Original photo: reverse, obverse, obverse comparison, edge
Source: Nuno Canelas, troca e venda de moedas comemorativas de 2€, Facebook
Note: Weighs 8.82 grams.

Fake 2 euro Spain 2014 (2).jpgFake 2 euro Spain 2014 (1).jpg

Reported: 21 September 2019
Place: Caranguejeira, Portugal
Original photos: reverse, obverse, edge
Source: Marco Oliveira, colecionadores de moedas de 2€ paços de ferreira, Facebook

Reported: 20 August 2021
Place: Gualtar, Portugal
Original photos: obverse
Source: Luís Fonseca, Colecionadores de Moedas Normais e Comemorativas de 2 euros, Facebook

Reported: 8 September 2022
Place: Lisbon, Portugal
Original photo: obverse
Source: Pedro Duarte, Moedas Comemorativas 2€ Venda/Leilões, Facebook


People who accept these coins as genuine ought to pay a €2 fine :) Mmm. I think I'd keep my mouth shut and accept them for my collection. They make me grin. ;D

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.