Countermarks related to the Scottish National Party

Started by eurocoin, December 21, 2024, 10:47:59 AM

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The piece below was yesterday found in circulation. The countermark is related to the 56 seats that the SNP won in the 2015 general election. Not the first one that I have seen over the years.


© Terrie Misell, Error coins and oddities, Facebook


An interesting coin and one I haven't seen. Along with my Troubles collection I have a small number of Scottish independence pieces but all rubber stamped banknotes. This is the first coin that I can recall seeing.

Always Faithful


Interestingly, some traditions from the Troubles are maintained: separate letter punches and putting them om the face of QEII. I wonder if the counterstamper lived/worked in Ireland during the Troubles (and kept his letter punches as a souvenir of his gay youthful days :P )

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


There is another thread somewhere here regarding a UK coin (50p?) punched YES. We debated what, if any, political message this could be, and noted that the possible answers to the Scottish independence referendum were YES or NO. (In contrast, the answers to the Brexit referendum were LEAVE or REMAIN.)


Interesting observations, Mr. Figleaf, and probably correct on all counts. I wouldn't mind getting a few Scottish counterstamps as a side collection but I never see them for sale anywhere.


Always Faithful