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Part of the Hôtel de la Monnaie in Paris to become House of African Worlds

Started by eurocoin, October 16, 2024, 01:41:42 PM

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A part of the Paris branch of Monnaie de Paris will likely be transformed into the House of African Worlds, which will be a cultural and documentation center. The project is since 2021 being led by Macron.


The new institute is set to open next year. The institution is planned to be housed in the old building of the Paris mint (Hôtel de la Monnaie). This building already houses part of a company called Monnaie de Paris with a large production unit in Pessac that strikes mainly circulation coins and pseudo coin issues. The part in Paris is mainly the coin museum of Monnaie de Paris. As the museum could not fully occupy the building, it is logical to add a second institution, but the only thing the two have in common is their housing.

There already is - within walking distance of the old mint building - a similar institution in Paris, the Institut du monde Arabe. This may be the model and inspiration of the planned Maison des mondes Africains. If so, don't hold your breath. The Institut du monde Arabe is a political and diplomatic showcase, liberally oiled by subsidies. It has a nice library (French and Arab publications only), it has a fun permanent exhibition if you are interested in the subject and nice restaurants, but it is too politically connected to be a scientific institute and it has very little on numismatics.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.