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Distinguishing itself from Russia: Ukraine plans new names for coins

Started by eurocoin, September 10, 2024, 02:30:13 PM

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Distinguishing itself from Russia: Ukraine plans new names for coins

Ukraine wants to rename its small coins to distance itself from Russia. Central Bank Governor Pyschnyj sees "Kopiika" as a symbol of Moscow's occupation.

Ukraine plans to change the name of its small coins from "Kopiyka" to "Shah," the central bank in Kiev announced. After examining the history of Ukrainian money circulation, the bank came to the conclusion that the name "Kopiyka" is a symbol of the Moscow occupation, said central bank head Andriy Pyshny, according to a statement .

The similar term "kopejka" is used in Russia for the smallest currency unit. However, the kopecks have little meaning in Russia either, because the ruble has been greatly weakened and the coins have hardly any value anymore.

National Bank of Ukraine does not plan to exchange coins

The National Bank says it has already drawn up proposals for the necessary change in the law. There are no plans to exchange the coins that are in circulation; the old and new coins would circulate alongside eachother.

Ukraine has been defending itself against the Russian invasion for more than two and a half years. In order to distance itself from Russia, Ukraine has already renamed streets and torn down monuments.


Yes, this is the idea of the National Bank and we are talking about a new name ("Шаг"), but not "shah". In Ukrainian it will be "Krok" (Крок).
So far this is only an idea and is being discussed.
I would generally abolish kopecks in Ukraine and leave only hryvnias.
"Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there."- Marcus Washling.


Hryvnia is derived from a Russian term for a 10 kopeck coin, гривна (grivna), better known as гривенник (grivennik), the predecessor of the rouble of 100 kopecks. If the objective is to de-russify, it would not be a good choice.

My proposal would be altun. This the turkic word for gold as well as the name of a gold coin equal to the Venetian ducat struck in the Ottoman empire. In addition, altun gave rise to a Russian coin of 3 kopecks, алтын (altyn). Thus, the name reflects Ukraine's turkic history, closeness to the Ottoman empire, its role in Mediterranean trade and the Russian influence in recent history.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Peter, you are mistaken about the origin of the name hryvnia.
See Wikipedia, it is written in detail here.

Regarding the renaming of the kopeck.
The logic of the National Bank of Ukraine is simple - no country uses the name "krok" for small coins,

Why did Europe call the small coin a cent (outside the Eurozone, more than 50 countries have this name for the small coin)? They could have come up with something exclusive, for example "step".
"Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there."- Marcus Washling.


A bill has been presented for the change. If it is being approved quickly enough, the 2025-dated coins of Ukraine will already depict the new name.