Ancient coin bust left not greek or roman could be Indian / Eastern

Started by hantstoken, July 19, 2024, 07:32:32 PM

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Hi, I would be grateful for help on this one; its bronze, 3.6g and 19mm.  I can make out a bust facing left on one side and a design I can't describe on the other.



I just put this ancient Nabatean coin underneath to compare its style with that of your coin.
Nor the design neither the script are a match.
I turned the picture of your coins' reverse, because I think it shows an ancient Roman styled chair or throne, however the coin is certainly not Roman. I saw this kind of coin earlier but do not know where anymore.
The script however seems to use our letters:


Hello hantstoken,
I found your coin!
It is a piece from Melita, Roman Malta.
Here it is:


JMP an awesome piece of identification, I never would have been able to identify it.


Congratulations with this coin of a kind which is seldom seen on a forum!
An interesting survey of the remarkable coins of ancient Malta and Gozo gives you the site :"Coins of Melita and Gaulos" at following link: