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Meaning of the wavy lines on Venezuelan coins?

Started by <k>, July 03, 2024, 12:57:12 PM

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Venezuela, 1 bolivar, 2007.

What do the wavy lines symbolise?
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Venezuela 25c 2021.jpg

Venezuela, 25 centimos, 2021.

What do the wavy lines represent?
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


The flag of Venezuela. The 8 stars that are normally depicted on the flag, can be found on the other side of the coins.


There are no wavy lines on the Venezuelan flag. Stars, yes.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.