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Need help identifying Silver Islamic Coin #4

Started by kimo, May 02, 2024, 07:04:29 PM

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I purchased this ancient coin as Silver Islamic Coin

weight 0.6 g

13 mm on the long side
11 mm on the short side

I need your help identifying it
what Dynasty?
What ruler?
what era and year?
what is written on it?
Is it real silver?

any information will be helpful



This thread gathered 25 hits but no replies. That may be a sign that there's not enough information on it. Try providing information on its provenance, like was it offered in a lot? If so what do you know about the other coins in the lot. Is the seller specialised in certain coins? If it came from a treasure, do you know where it was found?

Since the coin is quite light, you could try searching on Zeno for silver coin within a weight range. If you get too many coins, make the weight range smaller and vice versa. If you get to see similar coins but you can't find the visible text on your coin, do further searches with the key words of the coin looking like yours. Any clue could be the one leading to an id.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Hi Peter

I bought many lots of Islamic coins on ebay in the past few years and most were sold as unsorted Islamic Umayyad,  Abbasid, Ayyubid, Mamluk, Ottoman & Anonymous coins

and now I trying identify these coins and I was able to identify few on my own , but  there are many others that is not easy to identify as I need the experts help

and Yes, I have been using Zeno, numista, and coinindia but when I am unable to identify some of them, then I post them to get some help with that



That's fine, Kimo. It always motivates people if the owner of the puzzle coins is trying hard to pick up skills, like you do.

It's still important to realise that some coins are just too far gone for identification and that the remarkable people who help you out are volunteers, people who have a job, a family, responsibilities and priorities and they react like normal humans. Take time, be patient and you will feel better also.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


I think this coin is  Mamluk, 648-922  » Ahmad II (al-Muzaffar Shihab al-Din Abu'l-Sa`adat), 824 » AR ½ dirham

Although the weight is not the same but the font looks the same

I am not not sure what is suppose to be written on it

any other opinion?


Dear kimo, your coin is badly worn; my only lead is the two top lines of the left photo. My reading is:
Mamluks, Bahri dynasty, al-Nasir Nasir al-Din Hasan, 2nd Reign, AH 7XX, AR fraction of Dirham, Dimishq (Damascus) mint (AH 755–762/1354–1361 AD)
Reverse (Left photo):
ضرب بدمشق  , darb bi-Dimishq
السلطان الملك الناصر  , al-Sultan al-Malik al-Nasir
ناصر الدنيا والدين حسن  , Nasir al-Dunya wa al-Din Hasan
بن الملك الناصر محمد  , bin al-Malik al-Nasir Muhammad
...........  , (Date)
Obverse (Right photo):
الله  , Allah
وما النصر الامن عند , waman nasru illa min indi (Allah)
لا اله الا الله محمد  , La Ilah Illa Allah, Muhammad
رسول الله ارسله بالهدى  , Rasul Allah arsalahu  bi-al-Huda
ودين الحق ليظهره على  , wa din al-Haqq li-yuzhirahu 'ala
الدين كله , al-Din kullihi
(The Quran Sura 9 (al-Tawba), part of verse 33)
Al-Nasir Badr al-Din Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Qalawun (السُّلْطَان الْملك النَّاصِرُ بدر الدين أبو المحاسن الحَسَنْ بن النَّاصِرُ مُحَمَّدُ), better known as al-Nasir Hasan, was the Mamluk sultan of Egypt, he was of Turkish origin. the seventh son of al-Nasir Muhammad to hold office, reigning twice in 1347–1351 and 1354–1361.

Coin collecting has a curious name. It is also called the "Hobby of Kings".