"Falus 1031" , no mint , likely Kabul and date 1301 AH

Started by maudry, March 30, 2024, 06:56:02 PM

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The date on this coin is 1031 but from style I would say Afghanistan and that it has rather been minted in 1301.
Any opinions are welcome  :)
Size: 18-21mm
Weight: 5.98gr


I agree with you : likely afghan and 1301 for the date.
A similar coin is listed in the "Sylloge of Islamic Coins in The Ashmolean Museum" / Vol.9.

"undetermined mint" /  coin n° 1794 (5,98g) no date, with this comment : "fabric suggests Kabul, circa 1300-1310.
Your coin with its retrograde date 1301 would perfectly fit and confirm that  :)

I wonder what means the word or letter (?) at top ? an abreviation maybe ?
"All I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates)


Quote from: saro on April 04, 2024, 04:01:51 PMI wonder what means the word or letter (?) at top ? an abreviation maybe ?
that could be a phonetic transcription of the word "cash"  چش ?
"All I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates)