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Peacock Nakhchuvan mint

Started by maudry, March 10, 2024, 07:08:40 PM

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This is Val 37 P.105
Although the coin is square it is not struck on a folded flan.
Size: +/-20mm
Weight: 8.12gr


Nice coin and with an uncommon mint as well! I like coins with birds and animals, I note Valentine states it's in Erivan under Persian rule, 


I'd never heard of the mint and looked it up. Historically, Nakchivan is Armenian. The beautiful coin pictured above is of course not the only civic issue with an animal on it, but being Armenian, with strong Zoroastrian and Christian roots, may have helped in the creation of this piece.

Armenians were abused and persecuted throughout history by Persians, Mongols, Turks and Russians. A Soviet-sponsored "referendum" in 1921 found that 90% of the population (still heavily Armenian at that time) was in favour of being part of the Azerbaijani SSR, rather than Armenia. The result was that when the Soviet Union fell apart, Nakhchivan became an exclave of Azerbaijan.

Armenians in Nakhchivan voted with their feet, emigrating to Armenia. Now, there are almost no Armenians left in Nakhchivan. Azerbaijan is destroying their cultural inheritance also. The coins remain as important witnesses.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.