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Coins of Ghana

Started by BC Numismatics, July 25, 2007, 01:33:55 AM

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BC Numismatics

Here's another section in relation to coins from British Commonwealth countries in Africa.This time,it is about the coins of Ghana.

Here is a list of the Ghanaian coins that I have got in my collection so far;

Dominion of Ghana (1957-60);

1958 1/2 Penny.
1958 1 Penny.
1958 3 Pence.
1958 6 Pence.
1958 1 Shilling.
1958 2 Shillings.
1958 10 Shillings 1st. Anniversary of Independence commemorative silver Proof medal-coin.

Republic under President Kwame Nkrumah (1960-66);

1965 5 Pesewas.
1965 10 Pesewas.
1965 25 Pesewas.
1965 50 Pesewas.

Republic under successive regimes (1966-);

1967 1/2 Pesewa.
1967 1 Pesewa.
1967 2-1/2 Pesewas.
1967 5 Pesewas.
1967 10 Pesewas.
1967 20 Pesewas.
1979 50 Pesewas.
1979 1 Cedi.
1984 5 Cedis.
1991 10 Cedis.
1999 100 Cedis
1996 200 Cedis.
1998 200 Cedis.
1996 500 Cedis.
1998 500 Cedis.

Ghanaian coins are notoriously difficult to find,except for the 1958 coins (1/2d. to 2/-) & the 1967 coins.

Ghana has recently carried out a currency reform by which there are 100 Pesewas to 1 New Cedi & 10,000 Old Cedis = 1 New Cedi.

Here is an article about Ghana; .


BC Numismatics

I have now added these coins from Ghana to my collection;

2007 1 Pesewa.
2007 5 Pesewas.
2007 10 Pesewas.
2007 20 Pesewas.
2007 50 Pesewas.
2007 1 Cedi.

All of these coins have the Ghanaian Coat-of-Arms with 'GHANA' above it,& '2007' below it.

Thanks,Dietmar for getting me those coins.

The Ghanaian currency reform website is located at .



I too have a set of the 2007 coins:-

1   pesewa.   Adomi Bridge.
5   pesewas.  Horn blower.
10 pesewas.  A book, symbol of education.
20 pesewas.  Cocoa pod.
50 pesewas.  Market woman.
1  cedi.     Scale of justice.

They were produced by the Royal Canadian Mint, and though they are a competently done set of thematic representational designs and a huge improvement on what went before, I find the designs themselves to be somewhat simplistic and below the standard I have come to expect from the RCM. Only 6 out of 10 for design then, RCM.

Hav a look at the Zambia 1992 circulation set to see just what the RCM is capable of. Those coins are now long since defunct because of the effects of inflation.


Something I worked out a number of years ago....

Details of the RCM getting coinage contracts for Ghana.

Thanks Mr Paul Baker

BC Numismatics

  You've got some dead links in that article you have posted.

It is still a very interesting read though.



I was reminded of that the other day when I had a look there. But regarding these dead links - it may be impossible to find suitable current links to the same news reports/releases. So at present I will not try. I wonder if internet archive would work.

My Ghana coins page also mentions a gold coin - I remember the Bank of Ghana having an image of one of those (must have been the aame type) on their website years ago - but I do not think I have ever seen one for sale - it was likely a medallic issue (without known/stated denomination).

Thanks Mr Paul Baker

BC Numismatics

  Ghana has issued non-denominated medal-coins at various times since the 1960 issue to commemorate Ghana becoming a British Commonwealth republic.Most of them are listed in Krause's 'Unusual World Coins',along with the Cedi & Sika denominated medal-coins.



The "Sika" is strange - this seems to be a special denomination for collector coins for sale in other countries...  a bit like how Turkey has that "d" mint mark for collector coins for sale in other countries.

In February 2002 I asked "Coin Invest Trust"

>>I am interested to know - how does the Sika relate to Ghana's Cedi.<<

I soon received the reply...

>>Regarding the SIKA versus CEDI issue it's a fact that the CEDI is the legal tender currency.  The SIKA's with us are issued under authority of the Government of Ghana as a commemorative issue to promote the Ghana as a country world wide.  That is the official explanation.<<

This perhaps means that there is no link - hence yes I see these pieces in UWC.

Thanks Mr Paul Baker

BC Numismatics

  The name 'Sika' is actually the Akan word for 'gold',which is very appropriate,given the fact that Ghana is a major gold producer - hence why it was called the Gold Coast (as opposed to the Ivory Coast) prior to independence.

The Akan language is the native language of the Ashanti,which is the name of both a Ghanaian nation & the most influential kingdom within Ghana.



The answer is clear. The Sika is a medal. That is common sense of all coin collectors, which I know, too.
The Ashanti live not only in Ghana, but in Cote d'Ivoire, too. The late Felix Houphouet Boigny, the former president of Cote d'Ivoire, was an Ashanti. Every football match between Kumasi and Abidjan ends very bloody with several deads, when the Ashanti boys from both countries meet each other ...


BC Numismatics

  I already know that the Sika is a medal-coin denomination.The same thing also applies to the Krugerrand & the Natura from South Africa.

The Kingdom of Ashanti (or Ashantiland) is mostly located in Ghana,but also in a small part of the Ivory Coast as well.The ruling monarch is called the Asantehene.He is just as influential as the Litunga of Barotseland is in Zambia.

Here's a link; .




I know. I have visited both states and of course the "Royal Court" at Kumasi.

From Ghana I miss the 20-Pesewa-coins of 1975 and 1979 in my collection. Can anybody confirm their existence? Or better: Has anyone these coins for me???



Here is Ghana 20 Pesewas 1979 (reverse only).

The 20 Pesewas 1975 used to be in SCWC but it is not in it now. That could well be a correct reflection of the facts.

Some of the errors with listing of "odd" 1970's dates seem to be to do with mis-interpretation of British Royal Mint information at that time. But likely a few of these coins are actually just very scarce - this goes a bit un-noticed because these are usually just further dates of a type.

Thanks Mr Paul Baker


Thanks a lot, Paul!

I think this one is from your collection ... If you see another piece offered anywhere, I would be pleased, if you tell me!    :-)
