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Umayyads of Spain; Muhammad I (AH 238-73/852-86 AD) AR Dirham AH247/861-2AD

Started by Atalaya, February 22, 2024, 09:21:45 AM

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What about this identification? Is this correct so far? Any hint of a date or mint?

Thanks in advance,

Umayyads in Spain, Abd al-Rahman II. (206-238 H., 822-852), Dirham, Al-Andalus, 2,58 g, 26 mm, Album 342.X?


It looks correct comparing with mine, but I'm afraid I can't make much of the date. The mint is al-Andalus as you said, modern Cordoba.



What is visible of the date would fit better with "..fourty and twohundred" i think.


See, that's why I finally came here with the coins I am not sure about. I have my Richard Plant and make do with Zeno and some special publications, but some coins still leave me in doubt. Thank you!


Thank you Alan and Anthony for the coin ID:
Dear Iannis, your coin details:
Umayyad of Spain, Muhammad I bin 'Abdu'l Rahman bin al-Hakam, AH 247 (861/2 AD), Silver Dirham, al-Andulus (Spain) mint (AH 238-273/852-886 AD)
Reverse (First photo):
Field: From the Quran, Surah Al-Ikhlas [112]
الله احد الله  , Allahu Ahad, Allah hu
الصمد لم يلد و  , al-Samad, Lam Yalid, wa
لم يولد و لم يكن  , Lam Yoolad, wa lam Yakun
له كفوا احد  , Lahu Kufuwa Ahad
God is One God
The eternal and indivisible, who has not begotten, and
has not been begotten and never is there
His equal.
محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون
Muhammad Rasul Allah arsalahu bi'l-huda wa din al-haqq li-yuzhirahu 'ala al-din kullihi wa law kariha al-mushrikun
"Muhammad is the messenger of God who sent him with guidance and the religion of truth that he might make it supreme over all other religions, even though the polytheists may detest it", Sura 9 (al-Tawba), v. 33.
Obverse (Second photo):
لا اله الا  , La Ilah Illa
الله وحده  , Allah Wahdahu
لا شريك له   , La Sharik Lahu
There is no diety except
(the one) God alone
He has no equal.
بسم الله ضرب هذا الدرهم بالاندلس سنة سبع واربعين ومائتان  ,  Bism Allah duriba hatha al-Dirham bi-al-Andulus sanah saba' wa arba'in wa miʾatan (247), In the name of God, this Dirham was struck in Andulus year 247.
Muhammad I of Cordoba (محمد بن عبد الرحمن) was a Muslim ruler of al-Andalus. He ruled during a time of thriving art, architecture and culture in Islamic Iberia in the 9th century, turning Cordoba into a cultural and political center.

Coin collecting has a curious name. It is also called the "Hobby of Kings".


Dear Maythem,

thank you once again for your exhaustive translation of the legends of this coin. Who would have thought, that the coin dealer mentioned the wrong ruler and that we have a date. Nevertheless, to me it is important that it is a coin from the time al Andalus blossomed under Umayyad rule.


Thank you Iannis, for such coin, the date AH 247 (861/2 AD), determines the name of the Umayyad ruler.

Coin collecting has a curious name. It is also called the "Hobby of Kings".