Help classify this Ore

Started by coinsmcr, December 31, 2023, 01:26:06 PM

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I can't find any like it
weight 4,28 gr
diameter 25 mm


This is a Swedish 1 öre kopparmynt of the period 1718-1750, overstruck on an emergency 1 daler silvermynt of 1715-1718. The side with the crowned shield has been struck considerably more strongly than the other side; unfortunately it's the other side that carries all the identifying information for the overstrike.

The overstrike obverse should show three crowns with VERS (Ulrika Eleonora Regina Sveciae) or FRS (Fredericus Rex Sveciae) above and the date below. Ulrika Eleonora reigned 1718-1720 and Fredrik 1720-1751. I have a slightly better example of the overstruck Ulrika Eleonora 1 öre, also overstruck - see 9267 below.

What I said about the quality of the striking of the overstrike applies in reverse to the host coin, of course. Unfortunately here again, the more interesting side is obliterated. The side where the overstrike is illegible has clear remains of one of the reverses of the emergency daler. I can't make out anything on the other side. However, I think the reverse with the prominent hatched areas, clear at the bottom and top of your coin, is only coupled with the Mercury obverse - see 9269 below.


Thank you very much Fosseway for a detailed and perfect explanation