Probably not possible to identify: Ottoman, AR Akce Mehmed bin Ibrahim (1648-87AD)

Started by petar.mne, November 06, 2023, 01:52:12 PM

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Around 0.3g and 7 mm diameter.
I included two pics of one side of the coin.


Is the coin silver? If it is, there are some similarities to Habbarid (Amirs of Sind) coins, though I didn't see a match in Zeno.


Yes, it's silver. They really are similar, thank you for the clue


No, the character of this specimen does not fit the Sindh Dammas.
In the second photo, one can read a partial "Constantinople". In the first photo, in the corner is a "Ha" character هـ‎.
That could point to an Ottoman Akce in name of Ibrahim (1640-48AD), Zeno link. But looking here there is no really good fit.
So we look at his son Mehmed bin Ibrahim(1648-87AD), now this seems to fit real nice !



Please add Zeno and Numista reference numbers. Thank you.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.
