Counter marked for Penny Toss / Two-Up

Started by bhx7, October 11, 2023, 04:02:33 AM

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Hi Guys

So this maybe the wrong place for this but something I am trying to work out.

About 20 years ago I came across a number of old victorian pennies locally which had been etched with the same design, very crudely I might add. Basically, a number of concentric lines coming from a central circle on one side. I was told at that time that they were used in gambling with a game which was locally called Penny Toss, using 2 or 3 pennies on a stick, depending on the gambling. I know that in Australia there was a similar game which they called Two-Up.

Below is an example of a crudely engraved Victoraian Bun Head Penny but also a bronze token with very similar markings.

My questions are basically, was I informed correctly and is the token a modern version, or at least used for the same purpose. Happy to be told either way. I do know I have lots of historical evidence for Penny Toss being played locally with some amazing tales from the local newspapers as well as local and family lore. Newspaper articles about this "Terrible Gambling Problem" go back in to the Victorian period.

The bronze penny, bar the smoothing of one side and etching is standard. The Token has a Dia: 26mm thk: 1.7mm and Wt: 7g and made of copper.
