Ikhsids, Tarkhun

Started by Figleaf, September 22, 2023, 11:24:49 AM

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Only four members of the Ikhsid dynasty are known to have issued coins. This coin - Smirnova 224-246 - is assigned to Tarkhun (700-710), son of Tukaspadak. Follow the link to see a coin in museum condition.

The Ikhsids had to cope with Umayyads getting pushy and wanting to replace zoroastrianism by islam. At the time Samarqand was one of the wealthiest areas in the world, because of its position on the silk road. It must have seemed natural to seek allies among the remaining zoroastrians in Iran and the Chinese Tangs. That's how you can get a Chinese looking coin with a central Asian Tamgha.

Smirnova 224-46.jpgSmirnova 224-46b.jpg

The reverse of my coin is so smooth that it may always have been one-sided.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.