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France to introduce new 10 cent, 20 cent and 50 cent coins 2024

Started by eurocoin, August 06, 2023, 11:28:03 AM

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I had not expected that this new version would be approved.


The difference between the refused and the new version, which is according to the rules, is obvious. What is there to dispute about  :o ?


Quote from: Angus on March 10, 2024, 07:35:37 PM"The national side of circulation coins shall bear a circle of 12 stars that shall fully surround the national design, including the year mark and the indication of the issuing Member State's name. This shall not prevent some design elements from extending into the circle of stars, provided that the stars are all clearly and fully visible. The 12 stars shall be depicted as on the Union flag."

They're leaning heavily on the second sentence while pretty much ignoring the first one.

Depends what "shall fully surround" means....


The images have been published in the OJEU and they look different again: OJEU


Received some new 20 centimes in change today. No sign of the others yet. Anyone interested?

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


That's quick. They were only released into circulation very recently. The 10 cent and 50 cent have also recently been released.


Member British numismatic society


In my opinion, very messy and ugly designs. Too much going on and too many details. Original design was much better.