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Anglo-Gallic Coinage

Started by Deeman, July 04, 2023, 04:34:10 PM

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Edward III Demi-Gros

The silver demi-gros had a 23mm diameter. The obverse design is a crowned half-length figure of the king right, holding a sword, left hand raised in benediction, within a tressure of arches and beaded circle. The circumscription translates to 'Edward, by the grace of God, King of England'. The reverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a long cross pattée with trio of pellets in each quarter dividing both inscriptions. The outer circumscription translates to 'Glory to God in the highest and peace in this land' (Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax). The inner circumscription translates to 'Duke of Aquitaine'. This coinage was continued by Edward the Black Prince.

Edward III silver demi-gros, S8078.jpg

1362 demi-gros. Very rare.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVVARD' DЄI GRA RЄX AnGLЄ.
Reverse outer circumscription is GLA InЄ / XLS DO / ЄTIn T / RA PAX.
Reverse inner circumscription is DVX / AQV / ITA / nIЄ.


Edward III Billon Coinage

Double au Léopard sous Couronne

There were two issues of the billon double au léopard sous couronne. One issue had Edward's title as king whilst on the other issue he was entitled duke.

The billon double (denier) au léopard sous couronne had a diameter of 20-21mm. The obverse design has a lion under a large crown, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to either 'Edward, King of England' or 'Edward, Duke of Aquitaine'. The reverse design is a short cross pattée with a crown in first and fourth quarters within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'double currency'.

Varieties exist for each issue. The 'king' issue can have an annulet, trefoil or rosette below the lion and a pellet below the crowns on the reverse. The 'duke' issue can have an annulet or trefoil below the lion and a pellet below the crowns on the reverse.

Edward III billon double au léopard sous couronne, Edward king, S8080.jpg

Struck from 1328, double (denier) au léopard sous Couronne.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX AnGLIЄ, double annulet stop, rosette below lion.
Reverse circumscription is + mOnЄTA DVPLЄX, double annulet stop, rosette after DVPLЄX.

Edward III billon double au léopard sous couronne, Edward duke, S8081.jpg

Struck from 1328, double (denier) au léopard sous Couronne.
Obverse circumscription is + [ЄD'] DVX AQITAnIЄ, trefoil below lion.
Reverse circumscription is + mOnЄTA [DV]PLЄX, trefoil after DVPL, pellet under crown in first quarter.


Edward III Double au Léopard

The billon double (denier) au léopard had a diameter of 21mm. The obverse design has a lion between two lines with letter 'A' above and either 'QI' or 'GI' below, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a cross with a crown at the end of each arm within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'double currency'.

Edward III billon double au léopard, S8083.jpg

Mid-1330s to mid-1340s double (denier) au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + Є[D'] RЄX AnGLIЄ, double annulet stop, pellet before 'A' above lion, 'GI' below lion.
Reverse circumscription is + mOnЄTA DVPLЄX, double annulet stop.


Edward III Double à la Couronne (cross fleury)

The billon double (denier) à la couronne had a diameter of 20mm. The obverse design is a crown with AnG / LIЄ below, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'King Edward'. The reverse design is a cross fleury within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'double currency'.

This is an imitation of a double parisis of Philippe VI that was issued on 27 Apr 1346.

Edward III billon double à la couronne, cross fleury, S8085.jpg

Late 1340s double (denier) à la couronne. Very rare.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX.
Reverse circumscription is + mOnЄTA DVPLЄX.


Edward III Double à la Couronne (processional cross)

The billon double (denier) à la couronne had a diameter of 21-22mm. The obverse design is a large crown inscribed RЄX, within or without an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England' including RЄX in the crown. The reverse design is a processional cross within an inner circle, upright to bottom edge of coin dividing a circumscription translating to 'double currency'.

This is an imitation of a double tournois of Philippe VI that was issued on 3 Jan 1347/8.

Edward III billon double à la couronne, processional cross, S8086.jpg

Late 1340s/early 1350s double (denier) à la couronne. Very rare. Imitated by Henry as Earl of Lancaster.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS AnGLIЄ, colon stop.
Reverse circumscription is + mOnЄTA / DVPLЄX.

There is also another double à la couronne with processional cross that has AnGL / IЄ in two lines in the crown and the circumscription ЄDVARDVS RЄX.


Edward III Double (cross calvary)

The billon double (denier) had a diameter of 21-22mm. The obverse design is AGLЄ / FRAЄ (England, France) in two lines and a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England' The reverse design is a cross calvary with lis terminations and a circumscription translating to 'double currency'.

This is an imitation of a double parisis of Philippe VI that was issued on 12 Apr 1350.

Edward III billon double, cross calvary, S8087.jpg

Late 1340s/early 1350s double (denier). Imitated by Henry as Earl of Lancaster.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVVARD[VS RЄX], double annulet stop.
Reverse circumscription is + mOnЄ[TA] DVP[LЄX].


Edward III Double à la Couronne (cross pattée with pellet in voided quatrefoil)

The billon double (denier) à la couronne had a diameter of 19-20mm. The obverse design is a large crown with RЄX curved below, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England' (including RЄX). The reverse design is a cross pattée with pellet in voided quatrefoil in centre within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'double currency'.

This is an imitation of a double tournois of Jean le Bon that was issued on 22 Jan 1351/2.

Edward III billon double à la couronne, cross pattée with pellet in voided quatrefoil, S8088.jpg

Early 1350s double (denier) à la couronne. Very rare. No Henry of Lancaster imitation as Bergerac mint was idle.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVVARDVS [AnGLIЄ].
Reverse circumscription is + mOnЄTA DV[PLЄX].

There is also another double à la couronne with cross pattée and pellet in voided quatrefoil that has the obverse circumscription 'Duke of Aquitaine'.


Edward III Double Guyennois

The billon double (denier) guyennois had a diameter of 21mm, 0.32 fine. The obverse design is a large crown above AQVI / TANЄ in two lines, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England, Lord of Aquitaine' including lettering below the crown. The reverse design is a processional cross within an inner circle, upright to bottom edge of coin dividing a circumscription translating to 'double currency'.

This coin was issued as part of Edward III's currency reform of Nov 1361. Its appearance resembles the double tournois of Jean II, issued 14 Apr 1361.

Edward III billon double guyennois, S8089.jpg

1361 double (denier) guyennois, Bordeaux mint. Very rare.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX AnGL DnS.
Reverse circumscription is + mOnЄTA / DVPLЄX followed by 'B' for Bordeaux.


Edward III Denier au Léopard (AnGL between two lines, lion above, symbol below)

The billon denier au léopard had a diameter of 18mm. The obverse design has 'AnGL' between two lines with lion left above and either trefoil, cross or rosette below, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England' including lettering below the lion. The reverse design is a cross pattée within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'.

Edward III billon denier, AnGL between two lines, trefoil below, S8090.jpg

Struck from 1328 denier au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX, double trefoil stop, trefoil below AnGL.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double trefoil stop.

Edward III billon denier, AnGL between two lines, rosette below, S8090.jpg

Struck from 1328 denier au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX, colon stop, rosette below AnGL.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, colon stop.


Edward III Obole au Léopard (AnGL between two lines, lion above, 'Є' below)

The billon obole au léopard (half-denier) had a diameter of 15mm. The obverse design has 'AnGL' between two lines with 'Є' below and lion left above, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England' including lettering below the lion. The reverse design is a cross pattée within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'.

Edward III billon obole, AnGL between two lines, lion above, ‘Є’ below, S8091.jpg

Struck from 1328 obole au léopard. Extremely rare.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX, colon stop.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, colon stop.


Edward III Denier & Obole au Léopard (lion between two lines, letters above and below)
The billon denier au léopard had a diameter of 17-20mm, obole 15mm. The obverse design has a lion left between two lines with letters above and below, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to either 'King Edward' or 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a cross pattée within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'. The denier was imitated by Henry as Earl of Lancaster.

No image of the obole. Extremely rare.

Edward III billon denier au léopard, lion between two lines, Q above Є below, S8092.jpg

Mid 1330s thro' 1340s denier au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX, colon stop, 'Q' above, 'Є' below.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop.

Edward III billon denier au léopard, lion between two lines, B above O below, S8092.jpg

Mid 1330s thro' 1340s denier au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX AnGLIЄ, double annulet stops, 'B' above, 'O' below.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop.


Edward III Denier au Léopard (lion between two lines, symbol below)

The billon denier au léopard had a diameter of 18-19mm. The obverse design has a lion left between two lines with either a pierced quatrefoil or lis below, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'King Edward'. The reverse design is a cross pattée within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'.

Edward III billon denier au léopard, lion between two lines, quatrefoil below, S8094.jpg

Early 1350s denier au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX, double annulet stop, pierced quatrefoil below lion.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop.


Edward III Denier au Léopard (lion above AnG between two lines)

The billon denier au léopard had a diameter of 18-20mm. The obverse design has 'AnG' between two lines with lion left above, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'King Edward'. The reverse design is a cross pattée within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'.

Edward III billon denier, lion above AnG between two lines, S8095.jpg

Mid to late 1350s denier au léopard. Extremely rare. Imitated by Henry as Duke of Lancaster.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX, double saltire stop.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double saltire stop.


Edward III Obole au Léopard (lion above line with AG or AnG below)

The billon obole au léopard (half-denier) had a diameter of 14-15mm. The obverse design has a lion left above a line with AG or AnG below, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to either 'King Edward' The reverse design is a cross pattée within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'.

Some examples have an engraver's centring mark on the obverse, not a deliberate pellet below the lion.

Edward III billon obole, AG below lion, S8096.jpg

1350s obole au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX, double annulet stop, 'AG' below lion, engraver's centring mark.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop.

Edward III billon obole, AnG below lion, S8096.jpg

1350s obole au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVARDVS RЄX, 'AnG' below lion.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop.


Edward III Obole au Léopard (lion with asterisk below)

The billon obole au léopard (half-denier) had a diameter of 13-14mm. The obverse design has a lion left with asterisk below, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England' The reverse design is a cross pattée within an inner circle, crown in first quarter, and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'.

Edward III billon obole, asterisk below lion, S8097.jpg

1350s obole au léopard.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX [AnGL]IЄ.
Reverse circumscription is + [DVX AQIT]AnIЄ.