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Anglo-Gallic Coinage

Started by Deeman, July 04, 2023, 04:34:10 PM

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Edward III Gros à la Couronne (short cross)
The silver gros à la couronne had a diameter of 22-25mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a short cross pattée. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God' (benedictum sit nomen domini nostri dei). The inner circumscription translates to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a crown with a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine', all within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure of arches, each containing a leaf. Varieties exist with annulet in or at side of crown.

Edward III silver gros à la couronne, short cross, annulet in and to left of crown, S8059.jpg

Late 1340s/early 1350s gros à la couronne. Imitated by Henry as Earl of Lancaster.
Obverse outer circumscription is + Bn[DICTV SIT nOmЄ] DnI nRI [DЄ], double annulet stops.
Obverse inner circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX AnGLIЄ, double annulet stop.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop, annulet in and to left of crown.


Edward III Gros Tournois (short cross)

The silver gros tournois had a diameter of 22-25mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a short cross pattée. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God' (benedictum sit nomen domini nostri dei). The inner circumscription translates to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a châtel with annulet turrets, lion above and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine', all within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure of arches, each containing a leaf.

Varieties exist with 3 annulets in châtel, cross between annulets in châtel, crescent between annulets in châtel, crescent between pellets in châtel, lozenge or mascle between annulets in châtel, pellet-in-annulet between pellets in châtel.

Edward III silver gros tournois, short cross, S8060.jpg

Late 1340s/early 1350s gros tournois (short cross). Imitated by Henry as Earl of Lancaster.
Obverse outer circumscription is + BnDICTV SIT nOmЄ [DnI nRI DЄI].
Obverse inner circumscription is + ЄD RЄX AnGLIЄ, double annulet stop.
Reverse circumscription is DVX AQITAnIЄ, cross between annulets in châtel.


Edward III Gros Tournois (long cross)

The silver gros tournois had a diameter of 26-29mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a long cross pattée dividing both inscriptions. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God, Jesus Christ' (benedictum sit nomen domini nostri dei ihesu christi) or just 'Blessed be the name of our lord God'. The inner circumscription translates to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a châtel with annulet turrets, three pellets within and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine', all within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure of arches, each containing a leaf.

Symbols are used in the inscriptions. A pellet, crescent, feather, pike-head, helmet or key are used in both the obverse inner and reverse inscriptions. These appear between the letters 'A' and 'n'.
Alternatively a cross or hammerhead is inserted after the letter 'L' in the obverse inner inscription only.

Edward III silver gros tournois, long cross, feather, S8061.jpg

Late 1340s/early 1350s gros tournois (long cross). Imitated by Henry as Earl of Lancaster.
Obverse outer circumscription is BnDICTV / SIT nOm / Є DnI nR / I DЄI IhV.
Obverse inner circumscription is ЄD' / RЄX / AnG / LIЄ, feather? between A & n.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, feather? between A & n.

Edward III silver gros tournois, long cross, crescent, S8061.jpg

Late 1340s/early 1350s gros tournois (long cross). Imitated by Henry as Earl of Lancaster.
Obverse outer circumscription is BnDIC / TV SIT / nOmЄ D / nI nRI D.
Obverse inner circumscription is ЄD' / RЄX / AnG / LIЄ, double annulet stop after is ЄD', crescent between A & n.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop, crescent between A & n.


Edward III Gros Tournois (medium cross)

The silver gros tournois had a diameter of 25mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a medium cross pattée that divides the inner inscription. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God, Jesus Christ' (benedictum sit nomen domini nostri dei ihesu christi). The inner circumscription translates to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a châtel with annulet turrets, three pellets within and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine', all within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure of arches, each containing a leaf.

This is an imitation of a blanc à l'épi of John II that was issued on 22 Jan 1351/2.

Edward III silver gros tournois, medium cross, S8062.jpg

Early 1350s gros tournois (medium cross). Very rare.
Obverse outer circumscription is + BnDICTV SIT nOmЄ DnI nRI DЄI IhV XPI, double annulet stops.
Obverse inner circumscription is + ЄDO / RЄX / AnG / LIЄ.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop.


Edward III Gros à la Porte

The silver gros à la porte had a diameter of 27mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a short cross pattée. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God, Jesus Christ' (benedictum sit nomen domini nostri dei ihesu christi) or just 'Blessed be the name of our lord God'. The inner circumscription translates to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a châtel aquitanique (crenelated turrets) with gateway below and circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine', all within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure arches, each containing a leaf.

Some have an annulet, cross, hammerhead or trefoil on the foot of 'L' of AnGLIЄ.
The châtel may be empty or contain 3 pellets, 3 annulets or 3 pellet-in-annulets. The gateway beneath the châtel may be empty or contain an annulet, pellet-in-annulet or trefoil, or a pellet-in-annulet either side of the gateway.

Edward III silver gros à la porte, 3 pellet-in-annulets in châtel, S8063.jpg

Early 1350s gros à la porte.
Obverse outer circumscription is + BnDI[CTV SIT] nOmЄ DnI nRI [DЄI Ih]V XPI, double annulet stops.
Obverse inner circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX AnGLIЄ, asterisk after 'A', double annulet stops.
Reverse circumscription is + D[VX] AQITAnIЄ, asterisk after first 'A', double pellet-in-annulet stop, pellet-in-annulets in châtel.

Edward III silver gros à la porte, 3 pellets in châtel, S8063.jpg

Early 1350s gros à la porte.
Obverse outer circumscription is + BnDICTV SIT nOmЄ DnI nRI D, double annulet stops.
Obverse inner circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX AnGLIЄ, cross on 'L', colon stops.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, , mullet between 'IЄ', colon stop, pellets in châtel, pellet in gateway.


Edward III Gros Aquitanique (lion below châtel with crenelated turrets)

The silver gros aquitanique had a diameter of 24mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a short cross pattée with a lis in either the first or second quarter. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God'. The inner circumscription translates to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a châtel aquitanique (crenelated turrets), lion below, and circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine', all within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure arches, each containing a leaf.

Edward III silver gros aquitanique, lion below châtel with crenelated turrets, S8064.jpg

Early 1350s gros aquitanique. Lis in first quarter.
Obverse outer circumscription is probably [+ BnDICTV SIT nOmЄ DnI nRI].
Obverse inner circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX AnGLIЄ, asterisk after 'A', double annulet stops.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, asterisk after first 'A'double annulet stop.

There is also another gros aquitanique where the lion interrupts the inscription.


Edward III Blanc aux Quadrilobes

The silver blanc aux quadrilobes had a diameter of 25mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a short cross pattée with a quadrilobe in the second and third quarters. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God'. The inner circumscription translates to 'King Edward' (ЄDOARDVS RЄX). The reverse design has AGLIЄ between two lines with a crown flanked by lis above and below, all within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure arches, each containing a leaf.

This is an imitation of a blanc aux quadrilobes of John II that was issued on 31 Oct 1354.

No image available. It is extremely rare.


Edward III Gros au Léopard Couchant

There were two issues of the silver gros au léopard couchant. The first issue had a cross pattée within an inner circle on the obverse and a crowned lion left with a circumscription on the reverse. The second differed by having a Latin cross on the obverse interrupting the inner inscription with the reverse depicting a crowned lion left above lettering in two lines translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'. This second issue is extremely rare and no image is available.

First issued 29 Sep 1355 with a weight of 2.14gms and reissued Jan 1355/6 with a weight of 1.73gms. By the end of 1356 it had lost half of its initial issue value and was withdrawn from circulation in Jan 1356/7.

The first issue of the gros au léopard couchant had a 25mm diameter. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a short cross pattée. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God' (benedictum sit nomen domini nostri dei). The inner circumscription translates to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse is a crowned lion left with a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine' within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure of arches, each containing a leaf.

Edward III silver gros au léopard couchant, S8065.jpg

1355-56 gros au léopard couchant. Very rare. Imitated by Henry as Duke of Lancaster.
Obverse outer circumscription is + BnD[ICTV] SIT nOmЄ DnI nRI D, trefoil stops.
Obverse inner circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX AnGLIЄ, trefoil stops.
Reverse circumscription is DVX AQITAnIЄ, trefoil stop.


Edward III Gros à la Couronne (cross calvary)

The silver gros à la couronne had a diameter of 25-28mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a cross calvary with foot interrupting both inscriptions. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God' (benedictum sit nomen domini nostri dei). The inner circumscription translates to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a crown with circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine', all within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure of arches, each containing a leaf.

Varieties exist with pellet or annulet above crown, or pellets flanking central fleur in crown.

Edward III silver gros à la couronne, cross calvary, S8067.jpg

1357 gros à la couronne.
Obverse outer circumscription is + [Bn]DICTV SIT nOmЄ DnI nRI D.
Obverse inner circumscription is + ЄD' RЄX / AnGLIЄ, hammerhead over 'L', double annulet stop.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, double annulet stop.


Edward III Double Sterling

The silver double sterling (half-gros) had a diameter of 17-21mm, 0.6 fine. The obverse design is a long cross pattée with trio of pellets and a crown in alternate quarters dividing a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a crowned male bust left flanked by crowns within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'City of Bordeaux' (Burdegale, Latin for Bordeaux).

Edward III silver double-sterling, pellets 1 & 4, crown 2 & 3, Bordeaux, S8069.jpg

1350s double sterling, Bordeaux mint. Very rare.
Obverse circumscription is ЄD' / [RЄX / An]G /LIЄ, trio of pellets first quarter, outward crown.
Reverse circumscription is + CIVIT[AS BVRDЄ]GALЄ.

Edward III silver double-sterling, crown 1 & 4, pellets 2 & 3, Bordeaux, S8069.jpg

1350s double sterling, Bordeaux mint. Very rare.
Obverse circumscription is ЄD' / RЄX / AnG /LIЄ, inward crown first quarter.
Reverse circumscription is + CIVITAS BVRDЄGALЄ.


Edward III Sterling (Bordeaux mint)

The silver sterling (quarter-gros) had a diameter of 17mm, 0.6 fine. The obverse design is a long cross pattée over an inner circle normally with trio of pellets and a crown in alternate quarters dividing a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England'. One variety has a crown in each quarter. The reverse design is a crowned head of lion facing, either cross or lis on crown, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'City of Bordeaux' (Burdegale, Latin for Bordeaux).

Edward III silver sterling, pellets 1 & 4, crown 2 & 3, Bordeaux, S8070.jpg

1350s sterling, Bordeaux mint. Very rare.
Obverse circumscription is [ЄD'] / RЄX / AnG /LIЄ, trio of pellets first quarter, outward crown.
Reverse circumscription is + CIVIT[AS BVR]DЄGALЄ, cross on crown, annulet in left field.


Edward III Sterling (Dax mint)

The Bordeaux mint designs are transposed for the Dax issues.

The silver sterling (quarter-gros) had a diameter of 17mm. The obverse design is a crowned head of lion facing, either cross or lis on crown, within an inner circle and a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'. The reverse design is a long cross pattée over an inner circle with trio of pellets and a crown in alternate quarters dividing a circumscription translating to 'City of Dax' (Roman name Civitas Aquensium).

Edward III silver sterling, Dax mint, S8071.jpg

1350s sterling, Dax mint. Very rare.
Obverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, lis on crown.
Reverse circumscription is CIVI / TAƧ / AQn / ƧIƧ, trio of pellets first quarter, outward crown.


Edward III Gros & Demi-Gros au Lion

There were issues before and after the Treaty of Brétigny. The issues prior to the treaty have no mint name. Gros issues post-treaty from Agen, Bordeaux and La Rochelle bear the name of the mint. A demi-gros post treaty issue came from the Bordeaux mint. These cities became Edward's following the treaty. The gros was imitated by Henry as Duke of Lancaster.

There is no image for the demi-gros. Very rare.

The silver gros au lion had a 27-29mm diameter, demi-gros 20-22mm. The obverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a medium cross pattée that divides the inner inscription. The outer circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of our lord God' (benedictum sit nomen domini nostri dei). The inner circumscription translates to 'King Edward'. The reverse is a lion rampant left with a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine' for the pre-treaty issue and the name of the mint for the post-treaty issues, within an inner circle surrounded by a tressure of arches, each containing a leaf.

Edward III silver gros au lion, no mint name, S8072.jpg

1360 gros au lion, no mint name. Very rare. Issued prior to the Treaty of Brétigny.
Obverse outer circumscription is + BnDICTV SIT nOmЄ DnI nRI DЄI, triple pellet stops.
Obverse inner circumscription is EDO / VRA / DVS / REX.
Reverse circumscription is + DVX AQITAnIЄ, trefoil stop.

Edward III silver gros au lion, Bordeaux, S8072.jpg

1360/1 gros au lion, Bordeaux mint. Very rare. Issued after the ratification of the Treaty of Brétigny on 24 Oct 1360.
Obverse outer circumscription is + BnDI[CTV] SIT nOmЄ DnI nRI DЄI, triple pellet stops.
Obverse inner circumscription is EDO / VRA / DVS / REX.
Reverse circumscription is + MOnЄTA BVRD', trefoil stop.

Edward III silver gros au lion, La Rochelle, S8072.jpg

1360/1 gros au lion, La Rochelle mint. Very rare. Issued after the ratification of the Treaty of Brétigny on 24 Oct 1360.
Obverse outer circumscription is + BnDI[CTV] SIT nOmЄ DnI nRI DЄI, triple pellet stops.
Obverse inner circumscription is EDO / VRA / DVS / REX.
Reverse circumscription is + MOnЄTA RVPЄLLЄ, trefoil stop. Gros au lion.


Edward III Sterling Guyennois

There were two issues of the silver sterling guyennois. The first type has the figure of the king goes to the edges of the coin interrupting the obverse inscription and was only issued from the Bordeaux mint on 10 Nov 1361. The second type has the figure of the king within the inner circle and was struck at Bordeaux, Figeac and La Rochelle, each bearing the initial letter of the mint (B, F and R respectively). The Bordeaux and La Rochelle issues had their letter at the end of the reverse inscription, whereas the Figeac issue had its letter at the end of the obverse inscription or in the obverse field. It was also struck without mint identification. This second type was continued by Edward the Black Prince.

The sterling was 19mm in diameter, 0.87 fine. The obverse design is a crowned half-length figure of the king right holding a sword in his right hand and raising his left hand in benediction, with a circumscription translating to 'Edward, King of England'. The reverse design is a long cross pattée over an inner circle with trio of pellets in each quarter dividing a circumscription translating to 'Duke of Aquitaine'.

Edward III silver sterling guyennois, king divides inscription, S8075.jpg

1361 sterling guyennois, first type, Bordeaux mint. Extremely rare.
Obverse circumscription is ЄD' RЄX / AnGLIЄ, double quatrefoil stop, king to edges of coin.
Reverse circumscription is DVX / AQI / TAn / IЄ followed by 'B' for Bordeaux.

Edward III silver sterling guyennois, no mint letter, S8076.jpg

1361-62 sterling guyennois, second type, no mint letter.
Obverse circumscription is ЄDVVART RЄX AnGLIЄ.
Reverse circumscription is DVX / AQV / ITA / nIЄ.

Edward III silver sterling guyennois, Figeac, F in inscription, S8076.jpg

1361-62 sterling guyennois, second type, Figeac mint.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVVART RЄX AnGL followed by 'F' for Figeac.
Reverse circumscription is DVX / AQV / ITA / nIЄ.

Edward III silver sterling guyennois, Figeac, F in field, S8076.jpg

1361-62 sterling guyennois, second type, Figeac mint.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄDVVARDVS RЄX AnGLIЄ, 'F' for Figeac in field.
Reverse circumscription is DVX / AQV / ITA / nIЄ.


Edward III Gros

The silver gros had a 27mm diameter. The obverse design is a crowned half-length figure of the king right, holding a sword, left hand raised in benediction, within a tressure of twelve arches and beaded circle. The circumscription translates to 'Edward, by the grace of God, King of England and Duke of Aquitaine'. The reverse design has two circumscriptions within beaded circles around a long cross pattée with trio of pellets in each quarter dividing both inscriptions. The circumscriptions together, starting with the inner, translate to 'Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men' (Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax hominibvs). This coinage was continued by Edward the Black Prince.

Edward III silver gros, S8077.jpg

1362 gros. Extremely rare.
Obverse circumscription is + ЄD' D' G' RЄX AGLIЄ DO AQVITAIЄ.
Reverse inner circumscription is GLIA / InЄ / XCЄ / LЄIS.
Reverse outer circumscription is DЄOЄ / SInTЄ / RAPAX / hOIBVS.