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Anglo-Gallic Coinage

Started by Deeman, July 04, 2023, 04:34:10 PM

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Henry V Denier Tournois (Demi-Niquet)

The billon denier tournois was authorised on 30 Nov 1421. Diameter 21mm. It was issued from the mints of Rouen (established 1419) and St Lô (established 1420). The Rouen issue has a pellet or annulet below the first letter of both obverse and reverse inscriptions. The St Lô issue has a pellet or annulet below the second letter of both obverse and reverse inscriptions.

The obverse design is a lion crowned passant left within an inner circle with circumscription translating to 'King Henry'. The reverse design is a long cross pattée interrupting the circumscription, 'h' in central ornamented quadrilobe. The circumscription translates to 'City of Tours'.

Henry V billon denier (demi-niquet), Rouen, pellet below first letter, S8163.jpg

1421-22 denier tournois, Rouen mint.
Obverse circumscription is + hЄnRICVS RЄX, pellet below first letter.
Reverse circumscription is + TVR / OnS / S CI / VIS, pellet below first letter.


Henry VI

Born at Windsor Castle, Henry VI succeeded to the thrones of England and France at the age of nine months in 1422, when his father Henry V and his mad grandfather Charles VI of France died within months of one another. Henry was crowned King of England in 1429 and, in 1431, became the only English monarch to have been also crowned King of France.

Henry VI (his guardian was the Duke of Bedford) inherited the long-running Hundred Years' War (1337–1453). He was proclaimed king of France (which in fact was the territory north of the Loire) in the same year, dauphin Charles, as Charles VII, was proclaimed king of France as well, his territories being all south of the Loire.

His early reign, when several people were ruling for him, saw the pinnacle of English power in France, but subsequent military, diplomatic, and economic problems had seriously endangered the English cause. In 1429, Joan of Arc rose to relieve Orleans, rekindling French spirit, which heralded the decline of English fortunes in France and by 1436 only Normandy and part if Miane remained in Henry's control. She was eventually sold to the English by the Burgundians and had the misfortune to be burned at the stake following a trial for heresy.

By the time Henry was declared fit to rule in 1437 he found his realm in a difficult position, faced with setbacks in France and divisions among the nobility at home. Unlike his father, Henry is described as timid, shy, passive, well intentioned and averse to warfare and violence; he was also at times mentally unstable. His ineffective reign saw the gradual loss of the English lands in France. Partially in the hope of achieving peace, in 1445 Henry married Charles VII's niece, the ambitious and strong-willed Margaret of Anjou. The peace policy failed, leading to the murder of one of Henry's key advisers, William de la Pole, first Duke of Suffolk, and the war recommenced, with France taking the upper hand. By 1453, Calais was Henry's only remaining territory on the continent.

Lands in France under English control 1422.jpg

Lands in France under English control at start of Henry VI's reign


Henry VI Regal Coinage

Henry VI was the last English king to strike French regal coins. Coins in gold, silver and billon were struck in the final years of existence of Lancastrian France and the denominations remained stable throughout.

The mint network was extensive, with at least 13 mints active at some point in the reign. These are recognisable on the coinage from their distinctive initial marks at the start of the inscription.

The salut issued had a value of 22 sous 6 deniers tournois when issued for circulation and was the principal gold coin struck in his name after his accession to the throne of France in 1422. The intention under a first order on 6 Feb 1422/3 was to issue them at 25 sous, but to cope with the many monetary manipulations of his opponent Charles VII, a second order on 6 Sep 1423, seven months later, reduced their value. They formed the greater part of the gold in circulation in Lancastrian France during English rule. A smaller gold coin, the angelot, in value two-thirds of a salut, was also struck in small and infrequent issues, initially ordered on 24 May 1427.

The main silver coin was the grand blanc aux écu valued at ten deniers tournois which was the first coin to be ordered on 23 Nov 1422. The other silver issues were the petit blanc (five denier tournois) and the trésin (three denier tournois), both ordered on 4 Jun 1423.

At the bottom of the denominational scale were the 'black coins' (billon), so called thanks to their low silver content and thus dark appearance. The largest denomination was the niquet (two denier tournois) which was a short term continuation of Henry V's belated issue and only known from the St Lô mint. It differs from Henry V's coins by way of the circumscriptions. The main billon issues under Henry VI were the denier parisis, denier tournois and the obole (demi-denier).

Gold denominations:

Silver denominations:
Grand blanc.
Petit blanc.

Billon denominations:
Denier parisis.
Denier tournois.


Henry VI Gold Coinage


The obverse of the salut depicts the Annunciation (the iconography from which its name is derived), the announcement by Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of Jesus. The design shows the standing figures of the Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel behind shields of France and England, AVЄ (first word of the angel's salutation, hence the name of the coin) on scroll upwards or downwards between, all within an inner circle. The first issue, only from the Paris mint, has the hand of benediction above the scroll. A second issue has five celestial rays above the scroll (representing the Holy Ghost) shining downwards. The circumscription translates to 'Henry, by the Grace of God, King of France and England'. The reverse design is a Latin cross, lis to left, lion to right facing left, 'h' below, tressure of ten arcs surrounding, lis on each cusp, all within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'Christ reigns, Christ conquers, Christ commands'.

1422/3 salut, hand of benediction, Paris mint, crown initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is hЄRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORVm Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, double saltire stops, AVЄ downwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIИCIT XPC' RЄGИAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, saltire stops.

Celestial rays

1423-35 salut, Amiens mint, paschal lamb initial mark. No privy mark, rosette stops, second 1426-27 or third 1427-34 (most likely) issue.
Obverse circumscription is hЄ'RICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, double saltire stops, AVЄ upwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGHAT XPC' IMPЄRAT, rosette stops.

1423-35 salut, Auxerre mint, mill iron initial mark. No privy mark, issue from 1428.
Obverse circumscription is hЄNRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ upwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGNAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-36 salut, Dijon mint, vernicle (image of Jesus) initial mark. No privy mark, AVЄ downwards, second issue 1428-33.
Obverse circumscription is hЄnRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLI RЄX, double saltire stops.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGNAT XPC' IIIPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-36 salut, Dijon mint, vernicle initial mark. Mullet privy mark under RЄX and XPC, AVЄ upwards, fourth issue 1434-36.
Obverse circumscription is hЄnRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLЄ RЄX, double saltire stops.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGIIAT XPC' IIIPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-48 salut, Le Mans mint, root initial mark. No privy mark, issue from 1425.
Obverse circumscription is hЄNRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLI RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ downwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIИCIT XPC' RЄGИAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-36 salut, Paris mint, crown initial mark. No privy mark, first issue 1423.
Obverse circumscription is hЄNRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ upwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGHAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-36 salut, Paris mint, crown initial mark. Privy mark AVЄ downwards and 'M' for 'm' in ImPЄRAT, second issue 1423-26.
Obverse circumscription is hЄNRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGHAT XPC' IMPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-36 salut, Paris mint, crown with annulet initial mark. Privy mark 'N' for 'm' in ImPЄRAT, fourth issue 1427-34.
Obverse circumscription is hЄNRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ upwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGHAT XPC' IHPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-36 salut, Paris mint, crown initial mark. Annulet privy mark under penultimate letter on both sides, fifth issue 1434-36.
Obverse circumscription is hЄNRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ upwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGNAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-49 salut, Rouen mint, lion initial mark. No privy mark, first issue 1423-33.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ downwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIИCIT XPC' RЄGИAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-49 salut, Rouen mint, lion initial mark. Pellet-in-annulet privy mark under last letter both sides, second issue 1432-44.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ downwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIИCIT XPC' RЄGИAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-49 salut, St Lô mint, lis initial mark. No privy mark, first issue 1423-26.
Obverse circumscription is hЄNRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ downwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGHAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-49 salut, St Lô mint, lis initial mark. Annulet privy mark under third letter both sides, second issue 1426-27.
Obverse circumscription is hЄ'RICVS DЄI GRA FRACORVm Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ downwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIHCIT XPC' RЄGHAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-49 salut, St Lô mint, lis initial mark. Pellet privy mark under 'Є' of RЄX and 'R' of ImPЄRAT, fourth issue 1428-30.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORVm Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops, AVЄ downwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIHCIT XPC' RЄGИAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, mullet stops.

1423-35 salut, St Quentin mint, pierced mullet initial mark. No privy mark, issue from 1426.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, double saltire stops, AVЄ upwards.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIИCIT XPC' RЄGИAT XPC' IMPЄRAT, rosette stops.


Henry VI Angelot

The angelot, so named as its design constituted half of an angel, had a value of 15 sous tournois and was first ordered to be issued on 24 May 1427. Diameter 23mm. It was issued from the mints of Le Mans (root), Paris (crown), Rouen (lion, also termed leopard), St Lô (lis) and Troyes (rose). Châlons had dies made and delivered on 14 Feb 1428/9, but it is thought that none were struck. It is an extremely rare denomination. An angelot was given to the recipient of the royal touching as a contact relic (touchpiece) imbued with the healing power of the king, to be worn as a medallion.

The obverse of the angelot featured the Angel Gabriel with outstretched wings aloft the royal shields of England and France, all within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'Henry, King of France and England'. The reverse had a Latin cross with the French lis to the left and the English lion to the right facing left, all within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'Christ reigns, Christ conquers, Christ commands'.

Henry VI gold angelot, Paris, S8165.jpg

1427-36 angelot, Paris mint, crown initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS FRAИCORV ЄT AИGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VINCIT XPC' RЄGHAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, colon stops.

Henry VI gold angelot, Rouen, S8165.jpg

1427-49 angelot, Rouen mint, lion initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS FRACИORV ЄT AИGLIЄ RЄX (Henry, King of France and England), colon stops.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIИCIT XPC' RЄGИAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, colon stops.

Henry VI gold angelot, St Lô, S8165.jpg

1427-49 angelot, St Lô mint, lis initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS FRACИORV ЄT AИGLIЄ RЄX (Henry, King of France and England), colon stops.
Reverse circumscription is XPC' VIИCIT XPC' RЄGИAT XPC' ImPЄRAT, colon stops.


Henry VI Silver Coinage

Grand Blanc

The silver grand blanc value was ten denier tournois and was first ordered to be issued on 23 Nov 1422. Diameter 27mm, 0.4 fine. It was issued from the mints of Amiens (paschal lamb), Auxerre (mill iron), Châlons (crescent), Dijon (vernicle), Le Mans (root), Mâcon (trefoil), Nevers (mullet), Paris (crown), Rouen (lion, also termed leopard), St Lô (lis), St Quentin (pierced mullet) and Troyes (rose). Blanc means 'white' and applies to a coin of good silver appearance, even if the silver content is less than 50% which is the definition of silver.

The obverse design is two shields, one bearing the arms of France and the other, those of France and England quarterly, with hЄRICVS (contraction bar over 'Є') above, all within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'King of France and England'. The reverse design is a Latin cross between lis and lion passant with hЄRICVS (contraction bar over 'Є') underlined below, all within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of the Lord'.

1422-35 grand blanc, Amiens mint, paschal lamb initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRANCORVm ЄT ANGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄN DnI BЄNЄDICTV (sit nomen domini benedictum), triple pellet stops.

1422-35 grand blanc, Auxerre mint, mill iron initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRANCORVm ЄT ANGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄN DnI BЄNЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-29 grand blanc, Châlons mint, crescent initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRAИCORVm ЄT AИGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄИ DnI BЄИЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-49 grand blanc, Le Mans mint, root initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRAHCORVm ЄT AHGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄH DnI BЄИЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-35 grand blanc, Mâcon mint, trefoil initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRANCORVm ЄT AИGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄN DnI BЄNЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-35 grand blanc, Nevers mint, mullet initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRAHCORVm ЄT AИGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT HOmЄИ DnI BЄHЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-36 grand blanc, Paris mint, crown initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRAnCORVm ЄT AnGLIЄ RЄX, colon stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄn DnI BЄnЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-49 grand blanc, Rouen mint, lion initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRAИCORVm ЄT AИGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄИ DnI BЄИЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-49 grand blanc, St Lô mint, lis initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRANCORVm ЄT ANGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄИ DnI BЄИЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-35 grand blanc, St Quentin mint, pierced mullet initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRAИCORVm ЄT AИGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄИ DnI BЄИЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.

1422-29 grand blanc, Troyes mint, rose initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is FRAHCORVm ЄT ANGLIЄ RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄN DnI BЄHЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.


Henry VI Petit Blanc

The silver petit blanc value was five denier tournois and was first authorised on 4 Jun 1423. Diameter 23mm, 0.4 fine. It was issued from the mints of Châlons (crescent), Le Mans (root), Nevers (mullet), Paris (crown), Rouen (lion, also termed leopard), St Quentin (pierced mullet) and Troyes (rose).

The obverse design is two shields dividing an inner circle, one bearing the arms of France and the other, those of France and England quarterly. The circumscription translates to 'King Henry'. The reverse design is a Latin cross with 'h' to the left and 'R' to the right, within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of the Lord'.

Henry VI silver petit blanc, Paris, S8167.jpg

1423-36 petit blanc, Paris mint, crown initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИ / RICVS / RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄ DnI BЄNЄDICTV (sit nomen domini benedictum), colon stops.

Henry VI silver petit blanc, Rouen, S8167.jpg

1423-49 petit blanc, Rouen mint, lion initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИ / RICVS / RЄX, triple pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is SIT nOmЄ DnI BЄИЄDICTV, triple pellet stops.


Henry VI Trésin

The silver trésin value was three denier tournois and was first authorised on 4 Jun 1423. It was issued from the mints of Paris (crown), Rouen (lion, also termed leopard) and St Lô (lis). Diameter 23mm, 0.24 fine.

The obverse design is a crown above two shields dividing an inner circle, one bearing the arms of France and the other, those of France and England quarterly. The circumscription translates to 'King Henry'. The reverse design is a Latin cross between lis and lion passant, all within an inner circle, and a circumscription translating to 'Triple tournois of France'.

Henry VI silver trésin, Paris, S8168.jpg

1422-23 niquet, Paris mint, crown initial mark. Very rare.
Obverse circumscription is hЄHri / CV / S RЄX, colon stop.
Reverse circumscription is TVROИVS TRIPLЄX FRAИC, colon stops.


Henry VI Billon Coinage


The billon niquet value was two denier tournois and was authorised on 30 Nov 1421 under Henry V and continued to be struck during the first year of Henry VI's reign. It was only issued from the mint of St Lô. Diameter 23mm.

The obverse design is a lion crowned passant left, lis above, all within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'Henry, King of England, heir of France'. The reverse design is cross pattée with 'h' in central ornamented quadrilobe, all within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'Blessed be the name of the Lord'.

Henry VI billon niquet, St Lô, S8169.jpg

1422-23 niquet, St Lô mint.
Obverse circumscription is + h RЄX AnGLIЄ ЄT FRAnCORV I, colon stops, pellet below second letter.
Reverse circumscription is + SIT nOmЄn DOmInI BЄDIC I, colon stops, pellet below second letter.


Henry VI Denier Parisis

The billon denier parisis (a variety of denier tournois 125% heavier) was initially issued on 31 May 1424 from the mints of Amiens (paschal lamb) and Paris (crown). A second issue was struck on 30 Dec 1426 at the mints of Paris (crown) and St Quentin (pierced mullet). They were the same weight and alloy as the first issue, but with a change of design. Diameter 20mm, 0.12 fine.

The obverse design for the first issue has the king denoted by hЄRI (contraction bar over 'hЄ') with crown above and, below, a lis left and lion right, all within an inner circle broken by the crown. The circumscription translates to 'King of France and England'. The reverse design is a cross fleury to the coin edge, breaking an inner beaded circle. The circumscription, divided by the cross, translates to 'City of Paris'.

Henry VI billon denier parisis, Paris, first issue, S8170.jpg

1424-26 denier parisis, first issue, Paris mint, crown initial mark on reverse.
Obverse circumscription is FRACORV Ƶ AGL RЄX, pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is PA / RISI / VS C / IVIS, annulet between 'VS' and 'C'.

The obverse design for the second issue has the king denoted by hЄRI (contraction bar over 'hЄ') underlined with crown above, within an inner circle broken by the crown. The circumscription translates to 'King of France and England'. The reverse design is a cross fleury within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'City of Paris'.

Henry VI billon denier parisis, Paris, second issue, S8171.jpg

1426-36 denier parisis, second issue, Paris mint, crown initial mark on reverse.
Obverse circumscription is FRACORV Ƶ AGL RЄX, pellet stops.
Reverse circumscription is PARISIVS CIVIS, annulet between.


Henry VI Denier Tournois

The billon denier tournois was first authorised on 4 Jun 1423. Diameter 18mm, 0.12 fine. It was issued from the mints of Auxerre (mill iron), Châlons (crescent), Le Mans (root), Mâcon (trefoil), Nevers (mullet), Paris (crown), Rouen (lion, also termed leopard), St Lô (lis) and Troyes (rose). A second issue of 12 Jun 1447 was struck at Rouen and St Lô. A third issue of 16 Jan 1448/9 was struck at St Lô.

The obverse design features a lis left and lion right within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'King Henry'. The reverse design is a cross pattée within an inner circle. The circumscription translates to 'Tournois of France'.

Henry VI billon denier tournois, second issue, St Lô, S8172.jpg

1444-49 denier tournois, second issue, St Lô mint, lis initial mark.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS / RЄX, mullet between.
Reverse circumscription is TVROИVS FRAИCIЄ, mullet between.

The first St Lô issue is characterised by annulet stops.
The third St Lô issue is characterised by mullet stops with annulet under 5th letter each side.


Henry VI Obole (Maille Tournois)

The billon obole (maille tournois) was first authorised on 4 Jun 1423. Diameter 18mm, 0.08 fine. It was issued from the mints of Rouen and St Lô. The term 'maille' refers to a link of chain mail i.e. a small round object, and is applied to fractional coins.

The obverse design features a lion in an inner circle below a large cross pattée. The circumscription translates to 'King Henry'. The reverse design features a lis in an inner circle below a large cross pattée. The circumscription translates to 'All citizens'.

Henry VI billon obole (maille tournois) , Rouen, S8173.jpg

1423-49 obole, Rouen mint.
Obverse circumscription is hЄИRICVS RЄX, pellet under 'C'.
Reverse circumscription is OBOLVS CIVIS, pellet under 'C'.

The St Lô issues are characterised by a pellet under 'S'.
