Gibraltar: 50 pence and 2 pounds Christmas 2022

Started by eurocoin, November 17, 2022, 07:14:46 PM

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Gibraltar will this year issue a 50p and 2 pound coin commemorating Christmas. The 50 pence coin will depict the three wise men following the bright star. The 2 pound coin will depict a nativity scene.


Do you know which mint will issue these coins? Tower Mint or Pobjoy Mint? In last two years it was Tower Mint which produced the Christmas coins for Gibraltar but if 50p will be with three wise men with star, it could be re-used one of the Pobjoy design from 1988 or 2001 but this is probably possible only when coins delivered by Pobjoy, I guess... Gibraltar is know for using the same/similar design on different coins (like Christmas tree 2006 and 2016).


In past years you could play about with the links on Gibraltar Stamps and Coins to see what they had but wasn't officially for sale - unfortunately the last time the images ended up being plastered over the net so they changed how they do things.....
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


I think the images are just not there yet.  ;)
I do not know which mint will produce the Christmas coins of Gibraltar this year.


Best bet is to keep checking the Gibraltar post office site
Member British numismatic society


The coins will be released tomorrow. They were minted by Tower Mint. From the images it appears that on the coloured coins only the word Christmas and the denomination will be minted and that the rest is just paint. There will also be plain versions.

Gibraltar 50 pence and 2 pounds 2022 Christmas.jpg


A video of the unveiling of the coins can be found here.

Gibraltar 50 pence and 2 pounds 2022 Christmas specifications-min.jpg


Photos of the non coloured coins:


Looks that coloured coins and non-coloured 50p are sold out now...


Quote from: eurocoin on December 06, 2022, 06:36:01 PMFrom the images it appears that on the coloured coins only the word Christmas and the denomination will be minted and that the rest is just paint. There will also be plain versions.

Bigger photos avaliable on GNM eshop website show that not only text is minted but it's definitly not a high relief.

All coins are still avaliable on WOPA website (this time, no sales on Gibraltar Stamp & Coins).


For the records, the gentleman behind these treasured Christmas coins, Sir Joe @ the launch event. Also featured on the clip linked in earlier by eurocoin ;)


Member British numismatic society


Next to the designers initials on the coins, there is the figure 70 with a crown on top, a special mark to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee. Tower Mint had been occasionally adding these kind of marks next to the designers initials, but this appears to be the first time it is being used on a commemorative coin.