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SGSSI: 50 pence 2022 Blue Whale

Started by eurocoin, October 02, 2022, 08:22:30 AM

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In 2022, Pobjoy Mint is planning to issue a commemorative 50 pence coin of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands depicting a blue whale. The coin is also sheduled to be released in titanium, which would be the first legal tender 50p minted in titanium. It is unclear whether this coin will still be issued, after the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

SGSSI 50 pence 2022 Blue Whale_auto_x2 (1)-min.jpg


The following editions were sheduled:

SGSSI 50 pence 2022 Blue Whale specifications.jpg


This coin is now available for sale in titanium here and sterling silver here.


Images of the titanium version, the first-ever 50p minted in titanium.

SGSSA 50 pence 2022 Blue whale (1).jpg

SGSSA 50 pence 2022 Blue whale (2).jpg


I asked Pobjoy if and when copper-nickel will be releases as I collect only base metal but they answered me that they not plan to issue copper-nickel version.


Somewhat remarkable, as they did ask and obtain permission for the release of it.

Today, I came across a photo of the titanium coin compared with a normal copper-nickel 50p. The titanium coin is much thicker. The coin has the weight and diameter of a normal 50p, but has to be thicker because titanium is lighter than copper-nickel.

SGSSA 50 pence 2022 Blue whale (3).jpg


Huge difference. I was thinking about above specification that showed the same weight for titanium, silver and copper-nickel. Titanium coins from Pobjoy has usually diameter 36,1 mm and with normal thickness they has weight only 10 gram.