New free eBook on Louis XI

Started by Figleaf, October 01, 2022, 03:09:23 PM

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At this address you can leaf through the ultimate catalogue of coins issued in the name of Louis XI of France: LES MONNAIES DE LOUIS XI, 22 juillet 1461 – 30 août 1483 by Gérard Crepin.

You can also download the book on that page. If you are interested in medieval coins or French coins, I urge you to do so. It is hard to imagine a more complete catalogue and this one is free.

What was that? Yes, it is in French. Be brave. The download is a fully searchable pdf, you can copy text and Google translate will do the rest. Much of the catalogue is self-evident anyway.

With a big THANK YOU to the author and to Parisian dealer CGB, where the book was published (Edition les Cheveau-légers) and who hosts it, in the proud tradition of Michel Prieur.

:applause: :rock:  :perfect:

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Super! Merci pour partager ;D

Wow, i didn't know that Louis XI had that much coins. Almost 600 pages!! :o It will take a loooong time to see it all...

Mister T


Quote from: Tirant on October 01, 2022, 04:41:23 PMWow, i didn't know that Louis XI had that much coins. Almost 600 pages!! :o It will take a loooong time to see it all...

Wow, no wonder Krause only goes back to... what, the 1700s?