South African Coin Talk

Started by <k>, September 03, 2022, 12:04:25 PM

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Our forum member eurocoin alerted me to this wonderful YouTube channel: South African Coin Talk.

It is hosted by very knowledgeable top-level South African numismatists.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


FB SA.jpg

Preview screenshot.

See Drawings Discovered in the SA Mint Archives.

Richard Stone, Manager of Product Development at the South African Mint, presents this video, which is full of fascinating material from the 20th century. A must-see video if you are interested in South African numismatics. It is up there now on YouTube.

Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.

Mister T

I watched a bit and that was interesting - be good if they put those images on their website.


Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.