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English Civil War Provincial Mint Issues

Started by Deeman, July 15, 2022, 02:53:03 PM

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Furnace sixpence

The obverse depicts the crowned bust of the king left in lace collar and armour, plume in front, value 'XI' behind within a circumscription translating to 'Charles, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland, king'. The reverse a garnished oval shield of the Royal Arms with precedence given to England, with large plume above, within a circumscription of CHRISTO AUSPICE REGNO, translating to 'I reign under the auspices of Christ.'

Undated Furnace sixpence, crown initial mark on both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FRA ET HI REX.
Reverse inscription is CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO.


Furnace groat

The designs and inscriptions follow those of the sixpence but with value 'IIII'.

Undated Furnace groat, crown initial mark on both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FRA ET HIB REX.
Reverse inscription is CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO.


Furnace threepence

The designs and inscriptions follow those of the sixpence but with value 'III'.

Undated furnace threepence, crown initial mark on both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HI REX.
Reverse inscription is CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO.


Furnace half-groat

The obverse depicts the crowned bust of the king left, value 'II' behind, within a circumscription translating to 'Charles, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland, king'. The reverse has a large plume within a coronet with a circumscription of JUSTITIA THRONUM FIRMAT which translates to 'Justice strengthens the throne.'

Undated Furnace half-groat, crown initial mark on both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MA BR FR ET HI REX.
Reverse inscription is IVSTITIA THRONVM FIRMAT.


Furnace penny

The designs and inscriptions follow those of the half-groat but with value 'I'.

Undated Furnace penny, crown initial mark on both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G M B F ET H REX.
Reverse inscription is IVSTITIA THRONVM FIRMAT.
