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English Civil War Provincial Mint Issues

Started by Deeman, July 15, 2022, 02:53:03 PM

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Shrewsbury crown

The designs and inscriptions follow those of the pound, apart from the 'V' value.

1642 dated Shrewsbury crown, 5-pellet initial mark on reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIBER REX, ground line.

1642 dated Shrewsbury crown, 7-pellet initial mark on reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIBER REX, ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.


Shrewsbury halfcrown

Obverse design and inscription, and reverse inscription follow those of the pound. The reverse design is similar to the pound but the value may be omitted or indicated by the figures '2' and '6' flanking a bandless plume.

1642 dated Shrewsbury halfcrown, 6-pellet initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FRA ET HIB REX, exaggerated sash, large plume in field.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, no value.

1642 dated Shrewsbury halfcrown, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FRA ET HIB REX, exaggerated sash.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, V over R, R over G, G over A in EXVRGAT, single plume flanked by pellets, no value.

1642 dated Shrewsbury halfcrown, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIB REX.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, '2' and '6' flanking plume.

1642 dated Shrewsbury halfcrown, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIB REX, ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, '2' and '6' flanking plume.


Shrewsbury shilling

The obverse depicts the crowned bust of the king left in lace collar and armour, plume in front, value 'XII' behind, within a circumscription translating to 'Charles, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland, king'. The reverse has an abbreviation of the king's declaration to protect 'the religion of the Protestants, the laws of England, the liberty of Parliament' (RELIG PROT / LEG ANG / LIBER PAR) in three lines between ruled lines, three bandless plumes above, date below, all within the circumscription, starting at 9 o'clock, of EXURGAT DEUS ET DISSIPENTUR INIMICI which translates to 'Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered' (Psalms 68.1).

1642 dated Shrewsbury shilling, book initial mark on obverse. Obverse from Aberystwyth die.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRA ET HI REX.


Truro Mint

Sir Richard Vyvyan set up the Truro mint which was in operation from Nov 1642. There is no mention of the Truro mint after Sep 1643. The only gold coin struck at Truro was the half unite, value 10/-. The silver coins issued at Truro were the crown (5/-), halfcrown and shilling. There are a number of coins that came late from Truro or early from Exeter and these are usually listed as 'Truro or Exeter'. All Truro coins are undated and normally have Truro rose initial marks, but can also have the Exeter rose or a mix of both.

There are no images given for the half-unite or the shilling. For the half-unite, the Exeter unite example from the book plate (see post 51) is representative but with the value 'X'. For the shilling, the undated Exeter example (see post 55) is representative of Truro, but the Truro shield is oblong.


Truro crown

The obverse depicts the king on horseback to left, holding sword in his right hand, flowing sash behind, within a circumscription translating to 'Charles, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland, king'. The reverse is a garnished oval shield of the Royal Arms with precedence given to England, flanked by the crowned letters 'C' and 'R'. The circumscription is CHRISTO AUSPICE REGNO, translating to 'I reign under the auspices of Christ.'

Undated Truro crown, Truro rose initial mark both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRA ET HI REX.
Reverse inscription CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO.


Truro halfcrown

The designs and inscriptions are similar to those of the pound. The horse can be walking, galloping or trotting with the king holding a sword or baton (only galloping horse) and the shield is oblong and garnished differently with the addition of the letters 'CR' either flanking or above shield.

Undated Truro halfcrown, Truro rose initial mark both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MA BRI FRA ET HIB REX, walking horse, king with sword.
Reverse inscription CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO, 'CR' flanking shield.

Undated Truro halfcrown, Truro rose initial mark both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MA BRI FRA ET HI REX, walking horse, king with sword.
Reverse inscription CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO, 'CR' above shield.

Undated Truro halfcrown, Truro rose initial mark both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MA BR FRA ET HIB REX, galloping horse, king with sword.
Reverse inscription CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO, 'CR' flanking shield.

Undated Truro halfcrown, Exeter rose initial mark both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MA BR FRA ET HI REX, galloping horse, king with sword.
Reverse inscription CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO, 'CR' above shield.

Undated Truro halfcrown, Truro rose initial mark both sides.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MA BR FRA ET HI REX, trotting horse, king with sword.
Reverse inscription CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO, 'CR' flanking shield.


Oxford Mint

The Oxford mint was established at New Inn Hall which was on the site of St Peter's College and produced relatively large amounts of coin between 1642 and 1646. Much of the bullion was donated by the colleges. The first Oxford coins were rough and clumsy in the Shrewsbury style but over the next few years the style was improved. A key figure in this improvement was Thomas Rawlins, a former pupil of the French engraver Nicholas Briot. Rawlins was appointed to be Graver of Seals, Stamps and Medals, and coins produced from 1644 are attributed to him. Chief among these is the 1644 'Oxford crown' which shows a view of the city behind the equestrian figure of the king.

The initial mark was usually a plume with a band, except for the smaller denominations which used lis or pellets. The gold coins struck were triple-unites (60/-) 1642-44, unites 1642-46 and half-unites 1642-44. A full range of silver denominations were issued during the five years between 1642-46 – pound, half-pound, crown, halfcrown, shilling, sixpence, groat, threepence, half-groat and penny – but not all in each year.

Greatly exceeding any previous denomination struck by the English crown, the issue of the gold triple-unite was a statement piece and an expert piece of propaganda of which the king was certainly very conscious of its importance. He appointed Sir John Birkenhead to establish the first provincial weekly newspaper, Mercurius Aulicus, for promoting their views in Parliament-held London. It began on 1 Jan 1643/4, was smuggled into London and sold for a penny a copy, and only ended with the fall of Oxford in 1646. A rubbing of the triple-unite featured in an edition of Mercurius Aulicus on 18 Feb, described as "his Majesty's new coin" inferring that the Shrewsbury triple unite was a pattern, not an issue.

The bust of the king on the 1642 triple-unite shows improvement on that of the Shrewsbury piece even though new punches had not been cut. Owing to the lack of a skilful engraver at Shrewsbury, it was impossible to cut a single large punch for the king's bust. Separate punches were used, therefore, for the head, body, sword and the palm branch. A slight rearrangement of these, or the replacement of only one of them, gave a different bust of the king. It was not until the arrival of London workmen in 1643 that a single punch could be cut for the king's bust. These magnificent gold coins were struck with some variation as there are 24 different varieties of obverse and reverse across the three dates.

Pound coins were only struck at Oxford and Shrewsbury only. Those of Oxford vary slightly in the obverse, more especially in the arms under the horse. Throughout the Oxford denominations it happened, not infrequently, that old Aberystwyth and Shrewsbury dies were re-used.


Oxford triple-unite

The triple-unite had a value of 60/- at a weight of 421.46 grains, 0.917 fine 'crown' gold (22ct). The obverse initially depicted the crowned half-length armoured figure of the king facing left, holding a sword in his right hand and an olive branch in his left, with plume in the field. The length of the figure was then reduced to elbow upwards and became more ornate. The circumscription translates to 'Charles, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland, king'. The reverse has an abbreviation of the king's undertaking to protect 'the religion of the Protestants, the laws of England, the liberty of Parliament' with value 'III' and three banded plumes above, and date below. Initially the declaration was in three wavy lines (RELIG PROT / LEG ANG / LIBER PAR) within the circumscription EXURGAT DEUS ET DISSIPENTUR INIMICI which translates to 'Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered' (Psalms 68.1). The circumscription and declaration subsequently became part of a continuous scroll.

1642 dated first issue Oxford triple-unite, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 5-pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HI REX, full half-length figure, short olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.

1642 dated Oxford triple-unite, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HI REX, short olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.

1642 dated Oxford triple-unite, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 4-pellets reverse.
This is the coin that was pictured in the 18 Feb edition of Mercurius Aulicus.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FR ET HIB REX, larger figure, short olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, declaration lines less wavy, pellets flanking value.

1643 dated Oxford triple-unite, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 4-pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAGN BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX, less elbow visible, long olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll.

1643 dated Oxford triple-unite, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAGN BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX, larger figure, sash extending behind, medium length olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll redesigned, pellets flanking value.

1643 dated Oxford triple-unite, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAGN BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX, less elbow visible, long olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll redesigned.

1643 dated Oxford triple-unite, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAGN BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX, less elbow visible, long olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll redesigned, rosette stops, rosettes flanking value and date, OXON below date flanked by rosettes.

1644 dated Oxford triple-unite, bandless plume initial mark on obverse, 5-pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FRA ET HIBER REX, very large figure, long olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll with revised start, bandless plumes above declaration, OXON below date, date and OXON flanked by pellets.

1644 dated Oxford triple-unite, bandless plume initial mark on obverse, 5-pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FRA ET HIBER REX, very large figure, long olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll with revised start, lozenge stops, bandless plumes above declaration, OX below date, value and flanked by lozenges.


Oxford unite

The designs and inscriptions follow those of the triple-unite with the exception of the value 'XX' which is on the obverse, replacing the plume behind the king's head. Early issues have the declaration in two lines.

1642 dated Oxford unite, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HI REX, short olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, declaration in two wavy lines.

1642 dated Oxford unite, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FR ET HIB REX, large figure, short olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, declaration in two wavy lines.

1643 dated Oxford unite, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FR ET HI REX, large figure.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll, declaration in three wavy lines.

1643 dated Oxford unite, plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIBER REX, king's elbow not visible.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll, declaration in three wavy lines.

1644 dated Oxford unite, plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIB REX, king's elbow not visible, long olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll redesigned, declaration in three straight lines, OX below date.

1644 dated Oxford unite, bandless plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIB REX, dumpy bust breaking inner circle, long olive branch, lozenge stops.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll redesigned, declaration in three straight lines, lozenge stops, bandless plumes above declaration, OX below date, date flanked by lozenges.

1645 dated Oxford unite, plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FR ET HI REX, king's elbow not visible, long olive branch.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll, declaration in three wavy lines.

1646 dated Oxford unite, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FRAN ET HIB REX, bust breaking inner circle.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll starting at 12 o'clock, declaration in three wavy lines, OX below date.


Oxford half-unite

The designs and inscriptions are similar to those of the triple-unite. The value 'X' is on the obverse, replacing the plume behind the king's head and the king does not have a sword or olive branch, just an ornate bust.

1642 dated Oxford half-unite, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET III REX, centre bar missing from 'H', value flanked by pellets.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, declaration in three straight lines.

1643 dated Oxford half-unite, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription CAROLVS D G M BR FR ET HI REX starts and ends at bust, large bust to bottom of coin.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI in continuous scroll, declaration in three wavy lines.


Oxford pound

The obverse depicts the king on horseback to left, holding sword in his right hand, trampling over arms, flowing sash behind, plume in field, within a circumscription translating to 'Charles, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland, king'. The reverse has an abbreviation of the king's declaration to protect 'the religion of the Protestants, the laws of England, the liberty of Parliament' (RELIG PROT LEG / ANG LIBER PAR) in two lines between ruled lines, with value 'XX' and normally three banded plumes above, date below, all within the circumscription, normally starting at 9 o'clock, of EXURGAT DEUS ET DISSIPENTUR INIMICI which translates to 'Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered' (Psalms 68.1). Issued 1642-44.

1642 dated Oxford pound, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 5-pellets on reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRA ET HIBER REX, Shrewsbury horseman.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, three bandless plumes, pellet in declaration.

1642 dated Oxford pound, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 7-pellets on reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAGNI BRITANI FRAN ET HIB REX, Shrewsbury horseman, ground line, cannon in arms.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellet in declaration, pellets flanking value.

1643 dated Oxford pound, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 7-pellets on reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRA ET HIBER REX, Shrewsbury horseman.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.

1644 dated Oxford pound, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRA ET HIBER REX, Shrewsbury horseman.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, declaration in cartouche large single plume above, pellets flanking value, OX below date.


Oxford half-pound

The designs and inscriptions follow those of the pound with the exception of the value 'X'. Issued 1642/3.

1642 dated Oxford half-pound, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX, Shrewsbury horseman, ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, three bandless plumes, pellets flanking value.

1642 dated Oxford half-pound, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 7 pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAGN BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX, Shrewsbury horseman, ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.

1643 dated Oxford half-pound, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 4 pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAGN BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX, Shrewsbury horseman, ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.


Oxford crown

The obverse depicts the king on horseback holding sword in his right hand, sash behind and normally plume in field, within a circumscription translating to 'Charles, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland, king'. The reverse has an abbreviation of the king's declaration to protect 'the religion of the Protestants, the laws of England, the liberty of Parliament' (RELIG PROT LEG / ANG LIBER PAR) in two lines normally between ruled lines, with value 'V' and three banded plumes above, date below, all within the circumscription, starting at 9 o'clock, of EXURGAT DEUS ET DISSIPENTUR INIMICI which translates to 'Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered' (Psalms 68.1). Issued 1642-44.

1642 dated Oxford crown, no initial mark.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIBER REX, Shrewsbury horseman, ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.

1643 dated Oxford crown, 3 pellets initial mark on reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIBER REX, Shrewsbury horseman, ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.

1643 dated Oxford crown, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 7 pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HI REX, Oxford horseman, grass line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, pellets flanking value.

1644 dated Oxford crown, floriated cross initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIBER REX, Oxford cityscape.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, declaration between floral scrolls, floral stops, OXON below date.


Oxford halfcrown

The designs and inscriptions follow those of the crown but have no value. Issued 1642-46.

1642 dated Oxford halfcrown, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FR ET HIB REX, Shrewsbury horseman with chainmail saddle, ground line. (Only 9 known.)

1642 dated Oxford halfcrown, bandless plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G / MAG BR FR ET HI REX, Shrewsbury horseman.

1643 dated Oxford halfcrown, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FR ET HIB REX, Oxford horseman.

1643 dated Oxford halfcrown, plume (X over) initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FR ET HI REX, Shrewsbury horseman, ground line.

1643 dated Oxford halfcrown, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIB REX, Briot horseman, grassy ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, OX below date, rosette stops.

1644 dated Oxford halfcrown, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 4 pellets with centre lozenge reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIB REX, Briot horseman, rocky ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, OX below date, plumes, date and OX flanked by lozenges.

1644 dated Oxford halfcrown, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 5 pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIB REX, Briot horseman, rocky ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, OX below script date, large central plume.

1645 dated Oxford halfcrown, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 5 pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HI REX, Briot horseman, uneven ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, OX below date.

1646 dated Oxford halfcrown, banded plume initial mark on obverse, 5 pellets reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HI REX, Briot horseman, grassy ground line.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI, OX below date.


Oxford shilling

The obverse depicts the crowned bust of the king left in lace collar and armour, value 'XII' behind, within a circumscription translating to 'Charles, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, France and Ireland, king'. The reverse has an abbreviation of the king's declaration to protect 'the religion of the Protestants, the laws of England, the liberty of Parliament' (typically RELIG PROT / LEG ANG / LIBER PAR) in three lines between ruled lines, with three plumes above and date below, all within the circumscription, starting at 9 o'clock, of EXURGAT DEUS ET DISSIPENTUR INIMICI which translates to 'Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered' (Psalms 68.1). Issued 1642-46.

1642 dated Oxford shilling, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIBER REX.

1643 dated Oxford shilling, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HI REX, large bust.

1644 dated Oxford shilling, banded plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIBER REX, lozenge stops, large bust.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DSSIPENTVR INIMICI, lozenge stops, OX below date, plumes and date flanked by lozenges.

1644 dated Oxford shilling, bandless plume initial mark on obverse, 4 pellets + central lozenge reverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIBER REX, fine bust, lozenge stops.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DSSIPENTVR INIMICI, lozenge stops, OX below date, plumes and date flanked by lozenges.

1646 dated Oxford shilling, bandless plume initial mark on obverse.
Obverse inscription is CAROLVS D G MAG BR FR ET HIBER REX, lozenge stops.
Reverse inscription is EXVRGAT DEVS DSSIPENTVR INIMICI, annulet stops, bandless plumes with four annulets below, annulets separating date with three annulets below.