World Mini, errm, Money Fair (Summer '22 Edition)

Started by chrisild, May 12, 2022, 11:22:30 PM

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This year's World Money Fair was in February 2022, but it was not a regular one due to the pandemic. There were some online "events", no WMF in the sense of a show that people can visit. In order to make up for that, there will be a "regular" (as in, walk-in) WMF Coin Fair this summer. Don't know many details yet, but this will certainly be a smaller show. Anyway, if you are interested ...

The summer coin fair will be on two days, 15 and 16 July, at the "usual" place, the Estrel hotel and convention center in Berlin. For more info - not that much so far - see here (German) and here (English).


Still not much in terms of "Summer WMF" news. But according to the current plans (PDF), the show will be open as follows:

Fri 15 July: 7–18 | 10–18 h
Sat 16 July: 7–18 | 10–18 h

Two different times? Right: Exhibitors and also "professional visitors" can get in as from 7. Regular visitors will be allowed as from 10. There may still be changes of course ...


Did not go to Berlin for that summer show, but as expected, this was a relatively small "special estival version". At least something. ;)

From what I have read, people from (near) Berlin who went there found it OK as a plain regular coin show. No special coin sets or cards, no major mint booths – which would have been fine, except the admission fee was still €10. And that was quite a lot considering what you could find there.

Hopefully the next "regular" World Money Fair can take place as scheduled. That would be in early (probably 3–5 Feb) 2023 ...