Colombia: wildlife coin series of 2012

Started by <k>, April 10, 2022, 04:00:57 PM

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Antioquia giant glass frog.jpg

The Antioquia giant glass frog.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Colombia 1000 pesos 2016.jpg

Colombia, 1000 pesos, 2016.

The bimetallic 1000 pesos coin was the highest denomination of the series.

It had a nickel-brass centre within a aluminium-bronze ring.

It weighed 9.95 grams and had a diameter of 26.7 mm.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Colombia 1000 pesos.jpg

Colombia, 1000 pesos, 2016.

The reverse design featured the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta).
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Loggerhead turtle.jpg

A loggerhead turtle.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Colombia set.jpg

A beautiful set of designs.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Nice set I have these in my collection
Member British numismatic society