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2022. Commemorative and Investment Coins of the Bank of Russia

Started by Wizard- Russia, January 19, 2022, 02:57:50 AM

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Wizard- Russia

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was the first woman to be awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
When the war started, Zoya volunteered for the front. The young woman was a partisan in a reconnaissance and sabotage group created in summer 1941 and performed special assignments behind enemy lines. That was a period when Joseph Stalin ordered to extensively use scorched earth tactics, that is, to burn homes in localities invaded by fascists, in order to deprive the enemy of normal life conditions. These were the assignments entrusted to Zoya.
In November 1941, the sabotage unit was ordered to set several villages on fire. The group was attacked several times, and a part of the fighters died. Ultimately, only three persons who could perform the assignment survived. Zoya was one of them. On 28 November 1941, when the young woman was firing houses in the village of Petrishchevo invaded by fascists, she was exposed and captured.
Despite the tortures, Zoya never revealed her true name, her comrades-in-arms, or her assignment. Exhausted by tortures, the 18-year old woman with the table 'Firestarter of houses' on her neck was executed by hanging in front of all village residents.
In February 1942, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya became the first woman to be awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms there are the chemical symbol of the metal and fineness on the left and fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '2 РУБЛЯ' (2 RUBLES), and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022).
Reverse. Relief images of a portrait of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Hero of the Soviet Union, and the Gold Star medal, against the background of stylised flame shapes, laser-treated for matte finishing; and the relief inscription around the lower circumference: 'ЗОЯ КОСМОДЕМЬЯНСКАЯ' (ZOYA KOSMODEMYANSKAYA).
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.A. Brynza (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.N. Bessonov (reverse). Mint: Moscow Mint (ММД). Edge: 195 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 04.10.2022
Denomination: 2 rubles
Quality: Proof
Metal, fineness: Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g: 17.00 (± 0.18)
Fine metal content not less than, g: 15.55
Diameter, mm: 33.00 (± 0.20)
Thickness, mm: 2.40 (± 0.20)
Mintage, pcs: 3,000

Wizard- Russia

The Lunokhod

On 10 November 1970, the unmanned spacecraft Luna-17 was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome using the launch vehicle Proton-K. It delivered the world's first robotic lunar rover Lunokhod-1 to the Moon. The first three stages and the upper stage of the rocket fired to place the spacecraft into a trajectory towards the Moon. Luna-17 was launched to the Moon from an Earth parking orbit.
The spacecraft Luna-17 was designed to deliver the robotic lunar rover Lunokhod 1 onto the lunar surface and conduct research on the Moon. It was totally controlled from the Earth and was built at Lavochkin Design Bureau No. 301 (currently – Lavochkin Science and Production Association controlled by the State Space Corporation Roscosmos).
After examining the landing place and deploying the ramps, the spacecraft received a relevant command and at 09.28 (Moscow time) Lunokhod-1 moved down the ramp from the landing platform to the lunar surface. This opened a new era in the exploration of the natural satellite of the Earth by unmanned spacecraft.
In the course of the work programme, in 116 motion sessions, Lunokhod-1 travelled a distance of 10,540 metres on the lunar surface, examining in detail an area of 80,000 m2. The maximum travel speed was 2 km/h. Over this time, the lunar rover downlinked to the Earth 200 telephotometric panoramas and about 20,000 slow-scan images. The shooting provided stereoscopic images of the most interesting features of the relief enabling a detailed exploration of its structure.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms there are the chemical symbol of the metal and fineness on the left and fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '3 РУБЛЯ' (3 RUBLES), and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022).
Reverse. A relief image of the robotic lunar rover Lunokhod?1 on the lunar surface against the background of coloured images of the Earth and the Sun; and the relief inscription on the left around the circumference 'ЛУНОХОД' (LUNOKHOD).
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.A. Dolgopolova (reverse). Sculptor: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse, reverse). Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint (СПМД). Edge: 300 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 10.10.2022
Denomination: 3 rubles
Quality: Proof
Metal, fineness: Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g: 33.94 (±0.31)
Fine metal content not less than, g: 31.10
Diameter, mm: 39.00 (±0.30)
Thickness, mm: 3.30 (±0.35)
Mintage, pcs: 5,000

Wizard- Russia

Sociologist and naturalist N.Y. Danilevsky – 200th Anniversary of his Birth

Nikolay Danilevsky (1822–1885) is a Russian philosopher, naturalist, and a member of the Russian Geographical Society (1858). In 1866, he was awarded the Constantine medal, the highest honour of this society. In the 1850-70s, Nikolay Danilevsky participated and led expeditions to assess the condition of the fishing industry in the European Russia. His most important works include Darwinism: Critical Research, and Russia and Europe: The Slavic World's Political and Cultural Relations with the Germanic-Roman West.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms there are the chemical symbol of the metal and fineness on the left and fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '2 РУБЛЯ' (2 RUBLES), and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022).
Reverse. Relief images of Nikolay Danilevsky's portrait, an open book, and a grapevine and images of the southern coast of Crimea, a fishing schooner, and a lizard, laser-treated for matte finishing; the inscription 'Н.Я. ДАНИЛЕВСКИЙ'
(N. Y. DANILEVSKY) and the years of his birth and death in two lines '1822' and '1885', cast in relief and framed with a relief image of sea foam.
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), S.V. Sutyagin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.N. Bessonov (reverse). Mint: Moscow Mint (ММД). Edge: 195 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 18.10.2022
Denomination: 2 rubles
Quality: Proof
Metal, fineness: Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g: 17.00 (± 0.18)
Fine metal content not less than, g: 15.55
Diameter, mm: 33.00 (± 0.20)
Thickness, mm: 2.40 (± 0.20)
Mintage, pcs: 3,000

Wizard- Russia

The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great

The collection of the Diamond Fund was started in 1719 by Peter the Great. The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great is one of the first exhibits of the collection. This badge was presented personally by the Emperor for special merits to the Fatherland and expressed his highest esteem.
On their picturesque portraits, noblemen often bear an award badge with a reigning monarch's portrait. Such portraits were called Personalities. They were first created in the epoch of Peter the Great and, being awarded personally by the Emperor, were considered equivalent to medals. Such an award was evidence of not only special merits to the country, but also the monarch's benevolence towards the awardees.
Frequently, the Cabinet ordered masters to create such portraits in expensive frames.
The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great dates back to the early 18th century. The portrait miniature was designed by Grigory Musikiysky, a renowned enamellist and portrait artist. Only four such items have survived.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms there are the chemical symbol of the metal and fineness on the left and fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '25 РУБЛЕЙ' (25 RUBLES), and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022).
Reverse. A relief image of the award badge with the portrait of Peter I against the background of a traditional old Russian ornament, laser treated for matte finishing, and the relief inscription 'АЛМАЗНЫЙ ФОНД РОССИИ' (DIAMOND FUND OF RUSSIA) around the upper circumference.
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint. Edge: 252 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 28.10.2022
Denomination: 25 rubles
Quality: Proof
Metal, fineness: Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g: 169.00 (± 0.85)
Fine metal content not less than, g: 155.50
Diameter, mm: 60.00 (± 0.50)
Thickness, mm: 6.60 (± 0.50)
Mintage, pcs: 850

Wizard- Russia

The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great

The collection of the Diamond Fund was started in 1719 by Peter the Great. The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great is one of the first exhibits of the collection. This badge was presented personally by the Emperor for special merits to the Fatherland and expressed his highest esteem.
On their picturesque portraits, noblemen often bear an award badge with a reigning monarch's portrait. Such portraits were called Personalities. They were first created in the epoch of Peter the Great and, being awarded personally by the Emperor, were considered equivalent to medals. Such an award was evidence of not only special merits to the country, but also the monarch's benevolence towards the awardees.
Frequently, the Cabinet ordered masters to create such portraits in expensive frames.
The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great dates back to the early 18th century. The portrait miniature was designed by Grigory Musikiysky, a renowned enamellist and portrait artist. Only four such items have survived.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms there are the chemical symbol of the metal and fineness on the left and fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '25 РУБЛЕЙ' (25 RUBLES), and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022).
Reverse. A relief image of the award badge with the portrait of Peter I with coloured elements against the background of a traditional old Russian ornament, laser treated for matte finishing, and the relief inscription 'АЛМАЗНЫЙ ФОНД РОССИИ' (DIAMOND FUND OF RUSSIA) around the upper circumference.
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint. Edge: 252 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 28.10.2022
Denomination: 25 rubles
Quality: Proof
Metal, fineness: Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g: 169.00 (± 0.85)
Fine metal content not less than, g: 155.50
Diameter, mm: 60.00 (± 0.50)
Thickness, mm: 6.60 (± 0.50)
Mintage, pcs: 150

Wizard- Russia

The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great

The collection of the Diamond Fund was started in 1719 by Peter the Great. The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great is one of the first exhibits of the collection. This badge was presented personally by the Emperor for special merits to the Fatherland and expressed his highest esteem.
On their picturesque portraits, noblemen often bear an award badge with a reigning monarch's portrait. Such portraits were called Personalities. They were first created in the epoch of Peter the Great and, being awarded personally by the Emperor, were considered equivalent to medals. Such an award was evidence of not only special merits to the country, but also the monarch's benevolence towards the awardees.
Frequently, the Cabinet ordered masters to create such portraits in expensive frames.
The Award Badge with a Portrait of Peter the Great dates back to the early 18th century. The portrait miniature was designed by Grigory Musikiysky, a renowned enamellist and portrait artist. Only four such items have survived.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms there are the chemical symbol of the metal and fineness on the left and fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '3 РУБЛЯ' (3 RUBLES), and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022).
Reverse. A relief image of the award badge with the portrait of Peter I against the background of a traditional old Russian ornament, laser treated for matte finishing, and the relief inscription 'АЛМАЗНЫЙ ФОНД РОССИИ' (DIAMOND FUND OF RUSSIA) around the upper circumference.
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint (СПМД). Edge: 300 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 28.10.2022
Denomination: 3 rubles
Quality: Proof
Metal, fineness: Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g: 33.94 (±0.31)
Fine metal content not less than, g: 31.10
Diameter, mm: 39.00 (±0.30)
Thickness, mm: 3.30 (±0.35)

Wizard- Russia

Happy Merry-Go-Round No. 1

Director Leonid Nosyrev made the animated film 'Antoshka' in 1969. The cartoon was released in the first issue of the children's animated film series 'Happy Merry-Go-Round'. Each issue of the series presented two or three picture cartoons. The plot of 'Antoshka' is based on a children's song about a lazy boy. The author of the text is poet Yuri Entin. When he was young, Entin worked as a school teacher of history for a while, and one of his pupils became the prototype of the character Antoshka.
The music to the song was written by composer Vladimir Shainsky. The song was first broadcast in the TV show 'Good Morning' that Entin and Shainsky applied to a few months later. The song was performed by children's choir 'Sputnik'.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '25 РУБЛЕЙ' (25 RUBLES) and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022), and on the right, there is the mint trademark.
Reverse. A relief image of a scene from the animated film series 'Happy Merry-Go-Round No. 1' and the relief inscription 'ВЕСЕЛАЯ КАРУСЕЛЬ № 1'(HAPPY MERRY-GO-ROUND NO. 1) on the upper left.
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.N. Bessonov (reverse). Mint: Moscow Mint (ММД). Edge: 180 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 15.11.2022
Denomination: 25 rubles
Alloy: Cupro-nickel
Total weight, g: 10.00 (±0.30)
Diameter, mm: 27.00 (±0.20)
Thickness, mm: 2.30 (±0.25)
Mintage, pcs: 850,000

Wizard- Russia

Happy Merry-Go-Round No. 1

Director Leonid Nosyrev made the animated film 'Antoshka' in 1969. The cartoon was released in the first issue of the children's animated film series 'Happy Merry-Go-Round'. Each issue of the series presented two or three picture cartoons. The plot of 'Antoshka' is based on a children's song about a lazy boy. The author of the text is poet Yuri Entin. When he was young, Entin worked as a school teacher of history for a while, and one of his pupils became the prototype of the character Antoshka.
The music to the song was written by composer Vladimir Shainsky. The song was first broadcast in the TV show 'Good Morning' that Entin and Shainsky applied to a few months later. The song was performed by children's choir 'Sputnik'.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '25 РУБЛЕЙ' (25 RUBLES) and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022), and on the right, there is the mint trademark.
Reverse. A coloured image of a scene from the animated film series 'Happy Merry-Go-Round No. 1' and the relief inscription 'ВЕСЕЛАЯ КАРУСЕЛЬ № 1'(HAPPY MERRY-GO-ROUND NO. 1) on the upper left.
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.N. Bessonov (reverse). Mint: Moscow Mint (ММД). Edge: 180 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 15.11.2022
Denomination: 25 rubles
Alloy: Cupro-nickel
Total weight, g: 10.00 (±0.30)
Diameter, mm: 27.00 (±0.20)
Thickness, mm: 2.30 (±0.25)
Mintage, pcs: 150,000

Wizard- Russia

Happy Merry-Go-Round No. 1

Director Leonid Nosyrev made the animated film 'Antoshka' in 1969. The cartoon was released in the first issue of the children's animated film series 'Happy Merry-Go-Round'. Each issue of the series presented two or three picture cartoons. The plot of 'Antoshka' is based on a children's song about a lazy boy. The author of the text is poet Yuri Entin. When he was young, Entin worked as a school teacher of history for a while, and one of his pupils became the prototype of the character Antoshka.
The music to the song was written by composer Vladimir Shainsky. The song was first broadcast in the TV show 'Good Morning' that Entin and Shainsky applied to a few months later. The song was performed by children's choir 'Sputnik'.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms there are the chemical symbol of the metal and fineness on the left and fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '3 РУБЛЯ' (3 RUBLES), and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022).
Reverse. A coloured image of a scene from the animated film series 'Happy Merry-Go-Round No. 1' and the relief inscription 'ВЕСЕЛАЯ КАРУСЕЛЬ № 1'(HAPPY MERRY-GO-ROUND NO. 1) on the upper left.
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.D. Schablykin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), computer simulation (reverse). Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint (СПМД). Edge: 300 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 15.11.2022
Denomination: 3 rubles
Quality: Proof
Metal, fineness: Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g: 33.94 (±0.31)
Fine metal content not less than, g: 31.10
Diameter, mm: 39.00 (±0.30)
Thickness, mm: 3.30 (±0.35)
Mintage, pcs: 7,000

Wizard- Russia

The 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of Counterintelligence Units in National Security Agencies

The Board of the State Political Directorate (GPU) under the RSFSR People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs started its work on 6 May 1922. The GPU decided to establish a centralised main counterintelligence unit in the system of the state security agencies – the Counterintelligence Division (KRO) within the Secret Operations Directorate (SOU) of the GPU.
The staff and the structure (including 10 units) of the KRO were approved on 7 July 1922. The first head of the KRO was Artur Kh. Artuzov (Frauchi) whose name is associated with the development and completion of the legendary operations Trust and Syndicate-2.
Today, the counterintelligence corps are the main structural unit in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Counterintelligence tasks are the responsibility of all security units and agencies.

Obverse. A relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription above it along the rim: 'РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ' (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, under the coat of arms there are the chemical symbol of the metal and fineness on the left and fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription: 'БАНК РОССИИ' (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination: '3 РУБЛЯ' (3 RUBLES), and the year of issue: '2022 г.' (2022).
Reverse. A relief image of the main building of the Federal Security Service (FSB) on Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow and, above it, a coloured image of the emblem of the Counterintelligence Service of the FSB on a matte surface; the relief inscription divided with a point: '100-ЛЕТИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В СОСТАВЕ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ ОРГАНОВ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ КОНТРРАЗВЕДЫВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ПОДРАЗДЕЛЕНИЙ' (THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE UNITS IN NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCIES) is around the circumference.
Authors. Designers: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), A.V. Gnidin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), computer simulation (reverse). Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint (СПМД). Edge: 300 corrugations.

Date of Issue: 06.12.2022
Denomination: 3 rubles
Quality: Proof
Metal, fineness: Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g: 33.94 (±0.31)
Fine metal content not less than, g: 31.10
Diameter, mm: 39.00 (±0.30)
Thickness, mm: 3.30 (±0.35)
Mintage, pcs: 3,000