Turkey ah 1143 1 para

Started by b1gb0b57, December 04, 2021, 03:35:43 PM

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I havecwhat I think is a Turkey KM-194 1 para dated (AH)1143. What are the Roman numerals listed in my '94 (and later krause's) mean, as in does anybody have a pic of VIII vs XI, vs XIX etc ??,,, My coin is low grade and holed, costing me all of 12 cents, so no loss; However, I'd like to know about the roman numerals  associated with this coin, and closely others All I wanna know is What am I looking for?

Thanks a billion, you guys Always Rock!!



There are some additional letters on the coins. Krause calls them initial letters. Are they linked with a mint master or something else I do not know. On KM 194 they must be just before the year. Do you see something there?


There is a table showing them on the second page of the Turkey section, p. 1388 in my 6th edition.



Once again! You Guys ROCK !! Thanks !! (pg. 1438 in my 7th edition) Now my valuable 12 cent coin has an identity! For the record, My K-194 is an XVI.

Thanks all again!!
