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Started by saro, June 01, 2021, 01:59:10 PM

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Ahmadshahi, see Qandahar
Badakhshan, civic copper dated 868 AH / ibex facing to right
Badakhshan, civic copper dated 869 AH / ibex to left
Afghanistan, falus of Badakhshan
Afghanistan civic copper of Badakhshan
Civic copper of Badakhshan nd (1287-1319 AH)
[url=",15273.0.html"]Afghanistan, Balkh mint, dated AH 1228(-38?) = 1813(-23?) AD., Æ Falus, KM 32, Valentine p. 160, no.

Afghanistan, Balkh, Falus, AH1295. Small lion in r. field.
Afghanistan / falus of Balkh with british lion, dated 1295 AH
Afghanistan falus Balkh 1295AH & Temple token "Ramatanka"
Afghanistan, falus of Balkh, 1295 AH, Val.7
Afghanistan, AE falus Balkh mint
Afghanistan, AE cast falus of Balkh, AH 1295
Afghanistan / Civic copper of Balkh with remarkable calligraphy
Balkh 1225AH
Afghanistan, civic copper of Balkh mint /KM32
Afghanistan / falus of Balkh, lion walking to right dated 126x AH
Afghanistan, Civic Copper with a sword / Balkh
Balkh under Shaybanids
Central Asia, Anonymous falus with Lion, Balkh mint, 16-18 century
Afghanistan anonymous Falus, Ghazni mint (overstruck)
Herat under Shaybanids
Copper coin of Herat under Shaybanids / 914 AH
Herat in persian empire
Safavids, Isma'il Shah I , falus of Herat / "be la'nat series"
Falses 2 pcs Herat mint, "be-la'nat" ?
Afghanistan, Civic Copper with rat on both sides, Herat mint
Afghanistan, AE Falus of Herat under Safavids
Afghanistan Falus of Herat / lion & sword
Civic copper with lion, Herat mint
Civic copper of Herat / animal attacking a gazelle & duck
Falus to identify, Herat ?
Unknown copper coin / Sunface falus, Herat mint
Herat / Afghan dynasties
Afghanistan civic copper of Herat
Afghanistan, Falus, KM46, Herat Mint, AH1296
Afghan civic copper at time of Barakzaï,Mint Herat
falus(4) Herat ?
Afghanistan AH 1288 six petal flower, Mint Herat
Herat late local issues  at time of Habibullah
Afghanistan Herat local issue copper paisa 1211 ?
Afghanistan 1 Paisa struck over Iran 50 Dinars
Afghanistan, Civic copper - Jalalabad mint, Flower design, multiple overstruck
Afghanistan, Civic copper - Jalalabad mint, flower design
Civic copper - pomegranate growing out of a pot, Kabul mint
Afghanistan, civic copper of Kabul with flower
Afghanistan: Kabul falus
small Afghan bronze, falus of Kabul
Afghanistan, AE Falus, Kabul, AH 1214, KM#B53 unlisted date
Afghanistan, AE Falus, overstruck floral design, Kabul?
Afghanistan, anonymous coinage, AE Falus, Kabul,  AH 1252
Afghanistan, AE Falus (" 'aqibat al-khair "), Kabul
Afghanistan, civic copper, Kabul / " 'aqibat khair" between 2 swords
falus with counterstamp "zarb Kabul"
Afghanistan, Anonymous Falus, KM#50, year off
Different Coin, Type or Variety:  1/2 Afghan
afghan falus multistrike / Kabul (KM70 ?)
Afghanistan falus (Kabul mint?) )
Afghanistan, falus of Kabul / 2 swords, ref Val.52 dated 12(1)7 AH ?
Afghanistan, falus of Kabul / "Raij"in ornament
Afghanistan / Kabul, falus dated 125x
Afghanistan, AE Falus, Kabul mint
Afghanistan, civic copper, Kabul?
Falus, Afghanistan (2) Kabul mint ?l
Afghan civic copper, Kabul ?
Afghanistan civic copper of Kabul mint / 2 leaves
Afghanistan, Civic copper with 4 flowers, Kabul mint
Civic copper with peacock facing left - doubtful mint
Civic copper with peacock facing right - doubtful mint
Civic copper, Kabul mint
Afghanistan, Civic copper with hole to wear as pendant?
Afghanistan, civic copper, Kabul ref. Val. 48 "ghazi "
Afghanistan / Civic copper of Kabul "ghaz(i)" 1262 AH
Afghanistan, falus of Kabul mint, 6 petals flower (nd) / Val n°31
Falus of Kabul mint with flower containing cross-hatching dated (12)56 AH
Falus of Kabul mint / floral design and cross
"falus 1031" no mint, likely Kabul and date 1301 AH
Afghanistan, civic copper with sword and flower, Kabul mint
Afghanistan, overstruck falus Kabul / Peshawar ?
Kabul 4 leaves 1270 AH

Peshawar / Ahmadshahi
Peshawar falus, Help to identify
Afghanistan, AE falus, Peshawar
Afghanistan, falus Peshawar ? sword & flower
Qandahar / Ahmadshahi
under Safavids
Afghanistan falus of Qandahar lion & sun/ folded copper sheet
civic copper of Qandahar under Persia, lion & sun 1077AH
Afghanistan 2 falus of Qandahar peacock and lion attacking a stag
Afghanistan Civic copper 1085AH (1674AD) Qandahar
Afghanistan: Civic copper with flamingo, Safavid rule, probalby Qandahar mint
Civic copper of Qandahar / deer, 1108 AH
Afghanistan, AE civic copper, square laminated flan, Qandahar mint
Afghanistan: Square civic copper with two fishes, Qandahar mint
Afghanistan, civic copper of Qandahar under Safavids / lion to left
Square civic copper - Qandahar mint ?
Civic copper of Qandahar , horse galopping 1070 AH
under Durrani, Barakzaï & later
Afghanistan, AE falus with leaf pattern, Qandahar, AH1291, unlisted type
Afghan civic copper ?
Afghanistan falus, Ahmadshahi, AH 1211
Afghanistan, 10 crude civic coppers
Afghanistan falus with four petal flower, Qandahar Val.60
Afghan civic copper of Ahmadshahi Mint/flower
Civic Copper with flower, Ahmadshahi / ref. Val.57 (12)65 AH
Civic copper from Kandahar
Civic copper from Kandahar / Val.85
Afghanistan falus with sunface KM22 (Qandahar) or KM24 (Herat)
Afghanistan, Ahmad Shahi KM 27, anonymous falus AH1257
Anonymous copper:  Ahmadshahi mint circa 1800 to 1900
Afghanistan Falus with 3 swords / Ahmadshahi mint - Val.33 variety
falus of Ahmadshahi mint / 3 swords
Afghanistan, Falus 1245, Ahmadshahi 
Afghanistan, falus, Ahmadshahi (2 swords)
Afghanistan Falus with 3 swords / Ahmadshahi mint - Val.33
Afghanistan, civic copper of Ahmadshahi with flowers / 1204? AH
Afghanistan / falus of Qandahar (by style), peacock to left
Afghanistan - Civic Copper, Peacock - Qandahar
Afghanistan Civic Copper,Qandahar, open hand type
Afghanistan, civic copper with open hand (1)
Afghanistan, civic copper with open hand (2) Ahmadshahi ?
Afghanistan - Copper 1 Falus, Kandahar (Qandahar) -  open hand, overstruck 
Civic Copper with flower, Ahmadshahi / ref. Val.57 (12)65 AH
Afghanistan, civic copper of Qandahar - Barakzaï
civic copper - leaf
Afghanistan, Civic copper - Kandahar mint, large flower, sabre reverse
Civic copper of Qandahar
Afghanistan, AE falus of Qandahar with 8-pointed star (undated)
Afghanistan, falus of Ahmadshahi (Qandahar)
Qandahar late local issues at time of Habibullah
Afghanistan Qandahar Paisa KM 960.2 (and 960.1)
British occupation of Qandahar
British Occupation of Afghanistan
Qandahar, British Occupation of Afghanistan
civic copper: Qandahar AE falus
Afghanistan - civic copper / British occupation of Qandahar

Sar-i Pol
Afghanistan, crudely struck coins
Afghanistan, AE falus, Sar-i- Pul mintl
Zamin Dawar
Shaybanids / Dengi struck at time of Muhammad Shaybani, mint : Zamin Dawar 913 AH

no mint
Civic copper with peacock facing left - doubtful mint
Civic copper with peacock facing right - doubtful mint
Afghanistan, nim shahi (/2 shahi) 1295 AH, no mint, Val.176
Unattributed coins
Afghanistan, 10 crude civic coppers
Falus, Afghanistan? 4.23g
Crude coin of Afghanistan?
Islamic coin with large symbol to identify
Afghanistan Civic copper 1292 AH / 23mm
afghanistan ?
Copper coin with countermark "Raj" / Afghanistan ?
British imperial 1/4 Annas overstruck for use in Afghanistan
Civic Copper with Sun
Afghanistan, Civic copper with flower dated AH1292 (Qandahar ?)
Afghanistan, Civic copper with 4 leaves
Curiosity, motives visible on both sides
Civic copper with sun

"All I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates)