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BAT 2021 50p Queen's 95th birthday

Started by Deeman, March 30, 2021, 04:29:48 PM

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Second issue, following BIOT 'Arms of the UK', of a 4-coin series to commemorate Her Majesty's 95th birthday.

This issue features the Crown Jewels, showing the State Crown with the Orb, the Sceptre along with the Ampulla and Spoon.

The current Crown Jewels date back to 1661 as the previous Crown Jewels were melted down and used for coinage, as ordered by Parliament, in 1649. The centrepiece of these coins is the Imperial State Crown or St Edward's Crown, named after Edward the Confessor as it is believed the central sapphire was worn by the King in his ring. The Imperial State Crown is set with jewels of great antiquity and historical significance and contains over 3,000 diamonds and pearls as well as fine sapphires, emeralds and rubies.


Queen Elizabeth II on her coronation day.


The Imperial State Crown is the crown that the monarch wears on leaving Westminster Abbey after the coronation. It is also used on formal occasions, most notably the State Opening of Parliament.


The Sceptre is received by the monarch in the last part of the Investiture, before crowning. It represents the temporal power of monarch and is essentially associated with good governance.

Measuring 92 cm, the sceptre holds the world's largest diamond, the Cullinan I, popularly known as the 'Star of Africa', the largest clear-cut diamond in the world.


The gold Orb symbolises the Christian world with its cross mounted on a globe. It is placed in the monarch's right hand before being placed on the altar.


The Ampulla is a hollow, gold, eagle-shaped vessel from which the fragrant holy oil is poured by the Archbishop of Canterbury to anoint a new monarch.


In 1671 'Colonel' Thomas Blood and two accomplices tricked the Jewel House Keeper, Talbot Edwards, into letting them handle the jewels. They attacked the poor Keeper, badly injuring him, and attempted to make off with the Orb, the Imperial State Crown and Sovereign's Sceptre. The plan was foiled when Edwards' son returned and raised the alarm. Blood was later pardoned.