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BAT £2 Fish Issues 2021

Started by Deeman, March 19, 2021, 10:34:43 AM

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Pobjoy Mint have released Barbeled Antarctic Plunderfish collector coins in both titanium and cupro-nickel.
Blue titanium – dia. 36.10mm, weight 10.00gms, issue limit 5,000.
Cupro-nickel – dia. 38.60mm, weight 28.28gms, issue limit 10,000.

The Barbeled Antarctic Plunderfish (Artedidraco skottsberg) is one of around 25 species of small predatory fish in the family Artedidraconidae that are found only in the Southern Ocean. One of the more remarkable features of this particular fish is that its scales have UV properties which means that it glows brightly under UV light.
It is found in the waters around the Antarctic continent from the near-shore to depths exceeding 600m. It eats a wide variety of small invertebrates found on or near the sea floor including crustaceans, polychaete worms and hyrdozoans. In common with many Antarctic fish species, it produces antifreeze glycoproteins that allow them to occupy freezing habitats unavailable to most other fishes.

The titanium coin has undergone a further process to highlight some of the scales on the design with special ink so that the coin itself will glow in the dark, replicating the property of the fish. Titanium reacts differently with every strike, so each titanium plunderfish coin is technically different and varies slightly in colour. There is also a lined effect that is present on the coins which is unique to this metal.
