1862 Victoria Rupee B/II 2/0 Dot Reverse Id One Rupee

Started by Muhammad Asif, February 26, 2021, 04:57:16 PM

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Muhammad Asif

Need help in ID of reverse of 1862 B/II 2/0 One Rupee Coin . The Obverse show die clash marks but it's the reverse . Their are petals or bud on the left  flower branches on the bottom on the reverse . I've searched for it but can'nt id . Could be common also . Need advice.


A die clash means that the press was activated when there was no flan in place. That's like catching a ball and missing it: your hands clap anyway, but there's no ball between them. Likewise, the two dies hit each other and marked each other: the obverse die received marks from the reverse die and vice versa. At the next round of the press, the flan is struck with a slightly damaged die, showing parts of the other side. When this damage is transferred to the coin so that it is visible (it wears off as the coin is used in circulation), you have a die clash coin like yours.

At the time this coin was struck, die clashes occurred more often than today. A repeated die clash (a flan was stuck in the press, blocking all flans behind it) would make a big noise, so minters would know something was wrong and stop the press, removing the damaged die. A single die clash would be much harder to spot, both in the noise of the minting area and because the damage would be minor, so quality control could well let it slip through.

While there is demand for error coins, it is not a mainstream collecting area. Unless you happen to run into a collector looking for the coin, it will be difficult to realise a premium for the error.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.

Muhammad Asif

Thankyou Sir . It's good to have you around for guidance .
Muhammad Asif