British Occupation of Java

Started by BC Numismatics, July 12, 2007, 09:00:27 AM

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Strange, that you can post pictures on other forums and not on this one. Anyway, here's your coin.


An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.

BC Numismatics

  How did you do that?

I'm not yet technologically up to doing things like that,as I am trying to get to grips with some of the basics.



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An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Quote from: Rangnath on November 01, 2008, 08:25:29 PM
Oesho posts the following:

The commentary for the following posted coins is as follows:

* Java BEIC Rupee AH 1232 / Aki Saka 1743 (= AD1816) Ref.: Scholten #596; KM
These pieces seem to have been struck by the Dutch, on account of the minute
M, engraved on the Be of Zarb. In 1816, under Dutch rule (thus after August
29th, when the Dutch flag was raised at Surabaya), coins of British design
were still being struck for private account, according the rapport of Van
Leeuwen of May 19, 1825. They are supposedly recognizable by a very small M
(presumably the initial of the native engraver Inche Maimin)

* close up of "M"

* Java BEIC Rupee AH 1232 / Aki Saka 1744 over 1743 (AD 1817) Ref.: Scholten
#597b; KM #247.
Remarks as above.

* Java BEIC copper doit 1812, w/o Z below the date. Ref.: Scholten #611; KM
Regarding the copper stivers, ½ stuivers and doits, there aere no official
reports giving the number of pieces in each year but according to the report
of Van Leeuwen of May 19, 1825, during this period (1811-1815) 477,760
guilders and 6 stivers worth of copper coins were struck at Surabaya. The
mint for copper at Surabaya closed on 1st of August 1815. On account of its
light weight, the English money was not very popular.

* Java BEIC copper ½ stiver 1813, with an oblique 3. Ref.: Scholten #606e;
KM #241.

* Java BEIC copper ½ stiver 1815. Ref.: Scholten #608; KM #241.

* Java BEIC tin doit 1813. Ref.: Scholten #613; KM #244.
Through lack of copper the Mint at Surabaya was unable to supply a
sufficient amount of copper coins and in 1813 it was decided to start
coining doits op pure Banka tin at Batavia. From now on apparently only
copper ½ stivers were struck at Surabaya. The minting at Batavia ceased in
October 1814.

* Java BEIC tin doit 1814. Ref. : Scholten #614 ; KM #244.

Whatta beautiful coins, but even Mr. Scholten is a human that can be wrong. There is no "Aki Saka" year, the java date is called AJI SAKA, CMIIW the date is count from the present of Aji Saka in Java islands.