BIOT: Christmas 50p coin 2020

Started by eurocoin, November 10, 2020, 10:54:43 AM

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Forum member Col1n666 recently brought to my attention that a 50p coin had become available of the British Indian Ocean Territory that commemorates Christmas. Since, this coin also became available from the Pobjoy Mint. The coin was released by the Pobjoy Mint in coloured and non-coloured edition in basemetal. The non-coloured version has now sold out.

Other companies, like the Jubilee Mint, sell a silver proof version of the coin and the Pobjoy Mint itself will later also release a silver proof piedfort version of it.

In its email Pobjoy Mint mentions the following:

QuoteApproved by the Licensor and Buckingham Palace, which is very fitting as in the book the last delivery is to the Palace, the obverse of the coin carries the Pobjoy Mint effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.