Re: Tin keping Aceh

Started by esnible, September 02, 2020, 07:59:57 PM

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I have two of these tin Aceh pitis.  I am unsure how to read these.

Is there a list of the different inscriptions, in Arabic and Roman letters, to help understand which varieties I have?

I am not handy with Arabic, and I am not always sure if the whole inscription is on the flan.


Actually, that's a regular coin. Netherlands East Indies KM 1, keping 1260 AH.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


I have the 2012 edition of Krause 1801-1900 and you are correct, it is there.

It looks like I have switched the obverse and reverse in my pictures from what the Krause cataloger shows.

The cataloger says the obverse has the legend BANDAR ATJEH DAR ES SALAM.

The picture in the catalog seems to match my second, poorly preserved specimen.  I was convinced I had two different types because the lettering seems very different.

All of these are dated 1260 AH?


There are several varieties of this type and you are showing the two most common varieties. Unfortunately, I cannot help with the Arabic text, but there are a number of WoC who can. The text BANDAR ATJEH (ACHEH) DAR ES SALAM was first found by our member Oesho decades ago. It took me years to convince KM to adopt it.

Don't worry about what is obverse and what is reverse. Your choice is as good as KM's choice.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.