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Iran Civic copper Coin, Bird/peacock, Mint Erivan

Started by anusin, October 01, 2019, 03:20:32 PM

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Iran Civic copper Coin with Bird/peacock, Head is missing...


the mintname is largely cleared, but I think that it is "Erivan" (Iravan ایروان ) : a civic copper struck in Armenia under persian rule (likely Safavids); only the 1st letter "alif ا " of the mint is  legible (and may be "wav / و ")

A coin struck at Tiflis in 1120 AH shows the same design of a peacock, but facing left.
"All I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates)


Dear Saro,
my opinion is also Erivan, but I was not sure, because I cannot read it, I try with the hand drawn pictures in Valentine  ::)


Just passing by while browsing.
Not identical but quite a good match i'd think: Zeno



Thank you Anthony for this find; as I mentionned previously, I had found a very similar peacock from Tiflis mint facing left and so, the same one facing right too do exists...
But I don't think that the mintname of Anusin'scoin could be read as "Tiflis" because of the "alif" clearly present at right; the arrangement of  reverse letters is close to the camel type of Erivan coppers (1130-31 AH).
Erivan civic coppers show an incredible number of designs, this coin could be a copy of the Tflis peacock and likely belongs to the same period.
"All I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates)


Indeed Bernard, i can not explain the vertical line. Just passed along these two pictures in a short interval, so was struck by the similarity. Might indeed be explained by the possibility that one was inspired by the other.