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British Indian Ocean Territory: Unrealised bullion 2017

Started by eurocoin, August 31, 2019, 03:02:02 PM

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In 2017, Pobjoy Mint was planning to introduce bullion coins of the British Indian Ocean Territory with denominations in Royal. The coins were going to feature a Green Turtle. For reasons unknown, no such coins were ever issued.


Denominations and technical specifications of the coins for which Pobjoy Mint received permission.


Gibraltar 1 royal 1995.jpg

Gibraltar, 1 royal, 1995.

Turtle designs are popular.

Gibraltar used the denomination of the "royal" in the 1990s.

I believe that was a Pobjoy Mint product.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


3 years later, the Pobjoy Mint has today launched this bullion coin.