Year end is coming..... Where is the December 2018 Quiz ???

Started by velind, December 25, 2018, 04:57:18 AM

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Been checking the Forum on hourly basis for the last 4 days!!!  8)

Where is the December 2018 Quiz ???  ::)


I too was wondering about it...Guess Andy is busy this time?

It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. -J. K. Rowling.


Quote from: velind on December 25, 2018, 04:57:18 AM
Been checking the Forum on hourly basis for the last 4 days!!!  8)

I have been doing the same.  ;)


Not so far away...
Bit late this year - your reward for waiting is an extra tricky hard version >:D

Same rules as always -
Simply PM me your answers and I will post the amount you have correct, send as many PM's with answers as you like.  To win if you have 10 correct answers we will hold a draw, if no one has 10 then the 1st prize goes to whoever has most.

Please do not post answers in this thread.

Last entry is 31st December 2018, after which I will post the prize (s) to the winner (s).

Good luck - as I say it's trickier this year :)

For hints see the other threads -
2017 thread
2016 thread
2015 thread
2014 thread
2013 thread
2012 thread
2011 thread
2010 thread
2009 thread
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Yes, trickier this year... No. 6 was particularly tough.

Thanks for a good mental challenge!


I found 6 of them rather fast and had expected to complete it by midnight yesterday but then the last 4 (1,2,8,10) came and 4 hours of searching didn't bring up much. Hopefully I will have better luck this evening.  :) Anyway great quiz as always.


I got the word and just have to figure out one country. Else I'm done


I have an almost complete set of answers from Fosseway.....
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Quote from: andyg on December 26, 2018, 04:21:31 PM
I have an almost complete set of answers from Fosseway.....

Fosseway now has 10/10,
Quaziright has 9/10 with one tricky one left....
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....




Winners of the 2011 contest were izotz, Afrasi, bart and ciscoins.

I now have a full set of answers from eurocoin.
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


As a casual collector and my attempt last 8 to 9 years went in vain of just identifying 1 or 2 coins.... too tough for me :)

All i got it number 4 in the above picture...


I only spotted the quiz yesterday, and I'm away from now until the new year so won't get an entry in on time. :(

Not that it makes much difference - if the deadline was next Christmas I think I'd still only have got two.  ::)

Fiendishly difficult and quite beyond my capabilities I'm afraid. Hat off to those that have solved it.  :o Thanks Andy for your time in putting it together.