San Luis Potosi Coin/Token?

Started by CameronK, July 10, 2018, 01:55:16 AM

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I found this in a collection, I'd like to know if someone recognizes it. It's 21mm, 4.6g and I think it's copper. I can make out San Luis Potosi on one side, under what looks like a pyramid and a crown on top. The other side, I think I can make out a figure on the back but it may be just one sided.

Thank you!
Why? I coax stories out of unidentified coins.


San Luis PotosĂ­ is hot and dry, so it is unlikely to be a hacienda token. That leaves mining token and revolutionary emergency coin as good options. I don't have a good catalogue of either, but I would have a preference for the emergency coin option since I know there are many of them, while I know of few mining tokens. Look for the period around 1910.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


This is the only thing I could find.
Have a look at  my tokens and my banknotes.


There's little left on the left picture and it's hard to get the right picture right. However, if you turn around the left picture LUIS•POT is clear. After a stiff drink I can momentarily see an eagle enjoying a snake on a miniature mountain on the right. Many 1915 emergency coins have that eagle, but KM doesn't mention San Luis Potosi as having issued any of them. Still, it was a mint city.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


It's a Mexican hacienda type token, Grove 880 in 'Tokens of Mexico'.    I'll scan and post his drawing and description.   Reverse is flat, there is no date.