New 2018 50p coin British Antarctic Territory

Started by Col1n666, July 03, 2018, 04:28:38 PM

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Quote from: eurocoin on July 25, 2018, 05:49:39 PM
The Boaty McBoatface 50p coin is now back in stock.
It was there but it's now gone again, so presumably sold out!


All stock that was on sale yesterday was quickly sold after someone bought 300. There will however be more on sale soon so keep checking.


Quote from: eurocoin on July 26, 2018, 06:07:54 AM
All stock that was on sale yesterday was quickly sold after someone bought 300. There will however be more on sale soon so keep checking.
I'm surprised there are no restrictions on how many can be bought by one account.  300 can't be for eBay sales as eventually prices would fall.



Quote from: eurocoin on July 26, 2018, 11:26:47 AM
Back in stock again..
Many thanks for that, eurocoin.  It feels like a race against the clock if people are buying up 300 in one go!  Finally got it.  I do get emails from Pobjoy (I got the one yesterday) but my work WiFi stops me accessing my personal email accounts so I don't see them until after work.  If they have emailed again today, I wouldn't have seen it until 5pm and it might have been too late by then, unless they stopped sales yesterday after that bulk buy.

Still in two minds over it as it is over-priced, but is unlikely to lose value.  This is where I can laugh at those that have paid over-the-odds on eBay, believing they were completely sold out weeks ago!  Thanks to you, I knew they weren't!


When the coins were available yesterday the page mentioned that a small part of the profits are going to charity. I am not sure if that was also the case when I voiced my criticism here.


I didn't see that.  Did it say what charity, and how small?  I see it's sold out again.  I'd not checked it since I ordered on Thursday.  Just wondered how long it lasted this time.  Is that it now or will some more miraculously appear?


Only less than 200 Boaty McBoatface coins left in stock so they will soon be sold out completely. 10% of the profits will go to the British Antarctic Territory which will use it amongst other things for polar research.

UPDATE: The coin is now officially sold out.


A few more will be available from Pobjoy Mint soon.


Tempting for the humo(u)r value.  If I spot one at the state coin show end of this month and it's not priced obscenely, I'll think about it... but by and large, I don't care for non-circulating commemoratives.  My thinking is that if something is worth commemorating, it's worth doing so publicly, not just in the collector's market.
Sir Terry Pratchett, on being told about the theory that the universe is a computer simulation: "If we all get out and in again, would it start to work properly this time?"


To some extent, it's the fault of the EU. By creating a common currency and an efficient common space, they sped up the trend of diminishing use of coins, without an orderly closure of non-viable mints.

There's no turning back, so now, the survival of EU mints mints depends on how much fluff they can push into the get-rich-quickly market. In that climate, private mints will do whatever it takes to sell their overpriced stamped metal, totally free of redeeming value (I will admit on this one having a degree of humour value, though). This on-again-off-again availability is a variant of a known commercial trick to extend the attention span of potential customers. The technique was "discovered" in the Watergate era, when a steady stream of new discoveries and disclosures kept the scandal in the news. IMO, the current grand master of commercial drip-feeding is Elon Musk.

Guess who the victims are.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


And also, I wish that sort of design work would go into our circulating coins.  The Statehood/National Parks quarters and Presidential/Native American dollars are fine (although I'm starting to miss that old eagle on the back of the quarter), but if you think about what we Americans had in our pockets a century ago — Walking Lib half, Standing Lib quarter, 'Mercury' dime, Buffalo nickel and a deeply sculpted Lincoln cent, to say nothing of the gold coins — I can do little better than to quote Teddy Roosevelt's letter urging the Mint to hire Augustus Saint-Gaudens: "I think our coinage is artistically of atrocious hideousness."

That said, I find it difficult to think of enamels, inclusions, holograms and the like as anything other than "gimmicky".  In my mind, the art of the coin is what you can do with a die and a planchet and a skilled engraver, not what you can affix to it later.
Sir Terry Pratchett, on being told about the theory that the universe is a computer simulation: "If we all get out and in again, would it start to work properly this time?"