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Macedonia: Country name to be modified

Started by chrisild, June 13, 2018, 06:37:09 PM

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Hmm, the basis of these so called naming conventions you mentioned do not exist in reality ...
-large parts of Belgium were carved out of LuxembourG, not the other way round
- there is officially no such thing as North Korea or South Korea. They are called Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea (similarly Taiwan is Officially the Republic of China, while the mainland is called the People's republic of China)
- similarly, what was casually called east/west Germany actually were German Democratic Republic and Ferderal republic of Germany
- In the case of the Sudan, the official country is called Republic of Sudan, while the newer entity is called the Republic of South Sudan

In all cases, both entities always recognize their shared heritage, so they do not dispute each other's names. That isn't the case of Macedonia. While geography wise, FYROM was part of the Ancient Macedonian kingdom, the current population of FYROM are ethnically Slavs who only settled there in the 6th century AD and have nothing to do with the Hellenistic ancient Macedonians. That's what the Greeks object to and especially because their northern neighbour uses it in an official capacity (and not casually). I believe that's the crux of the issue as far as the Greeks are concerned.

On your other stuff about Kashmir, bengal, Punjab... I don't see the point of those, but it isn't relevant either way to this issue between Greece and FYROM


Yesterday the parliament in Skopje agreed to the name change. The Macedonian Republic aka FYROM will now be the "Republic of Northern Macedonia" (Република Северна Македонија).

So after the agreements that the governments in Athens and Skopje had made, after a referendum in Macedonia, and after this parliamentary vote (qualified majority), it now depends on Greece: If the Greek parliament (simple majority) also agrees to the deal, the road to (Northern) Macedonia's membership in various organizations, notably EU and NATO, is finally open.

Question is, will there soon be new coins? Or will the name change get reverted at some point if Greece continues to say Nay? ;)



Today the Greek parliament also OK'd the agreement. Of course some nationalists are still against the deal, but I hope this will be it. Watch: Greek parliament ratifies FYR Macedonia name change deal | Euronews



Quote from: chrisild on January 25, 2019, 04:25:48 PM
Today the Greek parliament also OK'd the agreement. Of course some nationalists are still against the deal, but I hope this will be it. Watch: Greek parliament ratifies FYR Macedonia name change deal | Euronews


I tend to agree that this is the best possible settlement that allows both countries to claim victory and move on. There'll always be cry-babies on either side who want to have their cake and eat it too. Boris, Farage and Co take note ;)


Finally, first notes bearing new name are here.

When do we expect coins?

( image size exceeds the size limit of this forum)


First coin with revised name reported


Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Thanks! Odd that it is dated 2020. Well, maybe the year refers to the authorization date or so ...


Minted in 2020 but released in 2021

See enclosure.

Quite a few new coins, minted in 2020, are yet to be issued. Prominent among them are new series of Suriname, Honduras, India ( 1 Rupee) etc.


Two more coins with revised name issued
